Project members:
The present document corresponds to the deliverable D8.6 “Ethics Management Plan” (EMP) of the GERONTE project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Program under Grant Agreement N° 945218. It contains information about the main elements of the Ethics Management strategy that will be used by the Consortium with respect to the implementation of regulatory requirements and other ethical measures deemed appropriate to respect the rights of research participants and data subjects taking part in GERONTE activities. It will include information about the management of ethics issues throughout the project life.
This is an initial version of the EMP produced within the first year of the project as a preliminary document for ethics management in GERONTE. It is intended to be a living document in which information can be made available through updates as the implementation of the project progresses and new assessments of ethics requirements are produced. The research activities referred to in this document have been identified during the first year of the project. This document can only reflect the intentions of the project partners toward developing the overall project’s activities at that time. It is intended that updates will be prepared for submission periodically following the calendar of the ethics review.