Published May 20, 2024 | Version v1
Publication Open

Individuals with Overall Digital Skills Above Basic Levels in Italian Regions


Individuals with overall digital skills above basic levels in the Italian regions have grown on average by 1.49% between 2018 and 2023. The European Innovation Scoreboard calculates individuals with overall digital skills above basic levels, defined as the number of individuals with such skills (Eurostat: EU survey on ICT use in households and by individuals). Overall digital skills represent the highest level of the composite digital skills indicator, based on selected activities performed by individuals aged 16 to 74 on the Internet in four specific areas (information, communication, problem-solving, content creation) during the preceding three months. The data refers to the 20 Italian regions between 2018 and 2023.


20-05-2024 Individuals with Overall Digital Skills Above Basic Levels in Italian Regions.pdf

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