Discourse on Covid-19 and Its Impact on Educational System
- 1. Government PG College Narsinghgarh district Rajgarh
- 2. Research Scholar Mansarovar Global University, Bhopal
Outbreak of Covid 19 has covered almost all sphere of life around the world.lt has crushed the economy of almost all the countries in the world .Even superpowers were helpless in front of a tiny virus.This paper presents a detailed study of disease corona caused by noval coronavirus.It deals with the deadly nature of noval coronavirus,its mode of transmissions , laboratory diagnosis , preventions to stop it's spread, possible treatments and researchers efforts for development of vaccine around the world.Along with this,it emphasizes on impact of Covid 19 on educational system also. It discusses how education system mold itself, to continue the education in the time of crisis and how the learning community has turned the situation of crisis by evolving collaborative teaching learning strategies.Thus this paper will be helpful for policymakers ,researchers,teachers and other stakeholders to get insight into the importance of topic,to get acquainted with barriers in teaching learning scenario and planning their future strategy effectively and efficiently.
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