- 1. Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek The faculty of Psychology, department of Foreign languages Philology and teaching languages
- 2. Student of group 402-22
Amir Temur, known in the West as Tamerlane, was a 14th-century conqueror whose military prowess and administrative acumen established the vast Temurid Empire, stretching from the Middle East to India and from Russia to China. Born in 1336 near Samarkand, Temur rose to power by consolidating Transoxiana and embarked on extensive military campaigns that reshaped the political landscape of Asia. Despite his reputation for brutality, Temur was a patron of culture and the arts, transforming Samarkand into a cultural and intellectual hub. His architectural commissions, such as the Bibi-Khanym Mosque and the Gur-e Amir mausoleum, exemplify the era's artistic achievements. The Temurid Renaissance, particularly under his grandson Ulugh Beg, saw significant advancements in science, literature, and the arts, blending Persian, Mongol, and Turkish influences into a unique cultural synthesis. This period represents a golden age in Central Asian history, marked by remarkable contributions to art and science, solidifying Temur's dual legacy as both a conqueror and a cultural patron.
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Additional details
- 1. Ахмедова С. Р. Таълим ва тарбия жараёнлари узвийлигининг самарадорлиги //Science and Education. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 9. – С. 369-373.
- 2. Ахмедова С. Р. и др. Инновацион технологияларни таълим жараёнларига татбиқ этиш йўллари //Science and Education. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 10. – С. 492-496.
- 3. Ахmеdоvа S. R. и др. Mаsоfаviy tа'lim vа uning hоrijiy tillаrni o'qitishdаgi o'rni //Science and Education. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 10. – С. 608-612.
- 4. Ахmedova, S. R. (2021). Chet tillarni o'rganish va undagi metodlarning ahamiyati. Science and Education, 2(11), 1076-1080.
- 5. Ахmedova, S. R. (2021). Ilova elementlarining strukturaviy tahlilini o'rganish. Science and Education, 2(12), 583-587.
- 6. Ахмедова, С. Р. (2022). Иловали унсурларининг иккинчи даражали бўлаклар формасида ифодаланиб келиши. Science and Education, 3(3), 814-817.
- 7. Akhmedova, S. (2022). STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF APPLIED ELEMENTS IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. Science and innovation, 1(B5), 94-97.
- 8. Ахмедова, С. Р. (2022). Эга шаклида ифодаланган мураккаб тузилишли иловали элементларнинг таҳлилини ўрганиш. Science and Education, 3(4), 1963-1966.
- 9. Akhmedova Sevara Rakhmankulovna. (2022). NEMIS TILIDA ILOVALI ELEMENTLARINING SEMANTIK O'ZIGA XOSLIKLARI. International Journal of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research, 1(2), 481–485.
- 10. Rakhmankulovna A. S. PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETITION IN YOUNG PEOPLE OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION //International Scientific and Current Research Conferences. – 2023. – С. 18-20.