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Experiments with Drosophila for Biology Courses

  • 1. ROR icon Banaras Hindu University


  • 1. ROR icon Centre For Human Genetics


Experiments with Drosophila for Biology Courses, a fully open access e-book, edited by two experienced fly researchers and with contributions by many fly researchers in India, meets the need for development of new methods and paradigms for laboratory experiments at under- and post-graduate levels so that the young students and future academics can experience ‘life’. Besides a primer for handling the fruit fly, the book includes 85 laboratory protocols written in a lab manual mode with step-wise instructions, illustrations, analytical questions, references to published material and with appropriate cross-references to other chapters in the book. The exercises cover, besides genetics and cytogenetics, experiments in developmental biology, cell and molecular biology, cancer biology, anatomy, physiology, immunology, neurobiology, behavioural biology, evolution, systematics, field studies, microbiology, bioinformatics etc. The lab protocols are prepared keeping in view the limited facilities available in most classrooms.

The 2nd edition includes 118 lab protocols.


Lakhotia & Ranganath Experiments with Drosophila E_BOOK IND ACAD SCI May optimized.pdf

Additional details


  • Experiments with Drosophila for Biology Courses. 2024. (eds: S.C. Lakhotia & H. A. Ranganath). Second Edition, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru, India