Published May 16, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Resolution of Post–Cold War Era Disputes through Negotiation – A Critique


The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension that developed between the USA and the Soviet Union. It is referred to as such because it was not a war fought with weapons, rather ideological differences and propaganda were used as tools. In the post–Cold War era, various dispute resolution strategies have been used by the governments of these countries to de-escalate situations which might otherwise have had massive repercussions. This article also discusses some key disputes in other countries where different methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution like negotiation were employed. The aim is to resolve disputes in a non-adversarial manner. It has been proven time and again that methods like negotiation are effective in preventing large-scale conflicts between the countries involved, and thus avoid war or war-like situations. Lastly, this article shows the significance of employing ADR techniques to prevent another Cold War-like situation in the future.


Resolution of Post-Cold War Era Disputes through Negotiation - A Critique.pdf

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