Accompanying code for report "River Wear MMF ecological flow requirements" by A. Scotti, A. Davey, R. Hayes, D. Cadman (APEM Ltd)
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This code is intended as accompanying material to the report "River Wear MMF Ecological Flow Requirements" by Alberto Scotti, Andrew Davey, Rick Hayes, Dan Cadman; and considered commercial in confidence.
The report and the present code were issued for the Environment Agency, in the persons of Vicky Crichton and Rachel Merrix.
The final models presented and discussed in the report can be reproduced in their entirety running, in the given order, the R scripts:
- "01_Hydrological_data"
- "02_Environmental_data"
- "03_Biological_data"
- "04_Model_fitting"
The additional two scripts "00_15minsMMFanalysis" and "00_WQ_data" can be run independently, to perform analysis on 15-minute time series of MMF and water quality data, respectively. These scripts also allow to reproduce the graphs included in the report, under the respective sections.
Script called "import_functions_v1.1" is a function needed to import biological data.
The necessary input files needed to run all the scripts above are located in the "Data" folder, while in the "Data" folder are saved input invertebrates and environmental data downloaded on 14/05/2024. These data led to the results presented and discussed in the report.
The "Outputs" folder contains graphs produced through the R script, that are saved here.
Dr. Andrew Davey
Dr. Alberto Scotti