Published May 13, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Geriatric Nursing Practitioner as a Promoter of Evidence-Based Practice


proposal of research and A systematic review ---

Evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing refers to performing a systematic search for and a critical appraisal of the recent best evidence to answer a burning clinical question. The use of internal evidence based on outcome evaluations as part of clinical experience has also been accommodated into the scope of the definition of EBP. Outcome evaluations are primarily performed in quality improvement projects often implemented in clinical practice.

The purpose of the study is to examine whether the presence of a GNP in a nursing home can positively impact the uptake of EBP by nurse generalists

A GNP can theoretically act as a clinical champion to motivate and facilitate staff to implement EBP. A systematic review revealed that clinical champions could play a crucial role in assisting with faster initiation and persistence in EBP implementation, such as novel evidence-based interventions, facilitating overcoming barriers, and motivating and encouraging staff in EBP implementation

The findings of this literature review have indicated minimal EBP implementation by nurses working in various geriatric settings. Thus, the rationale for conducting this study was supported further by suggesting why it is significant to conduct more research on EBP implementation gaps and barriers, and facilitators

The study's findings will help GNPs to play their leadership and collaborative role more effectively in promoting the uptake of EBP in elderly nursing homes in Israel. The insights gained from the study's findings can also inform hospital leadership and management on situating GNPs in practice contexts to enhance EBP uptake and improve patient outcomes and quality of care. Finally, the study's results can inform quality improvement initiatives related to EBP implementation in elderly nursing homes.



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