The paper is based on comparative cultural linguistics, or linguoculturology, in the context of the social anthropocentric paradigm, thus, focusing on the human being, the creator of the language and speech activity. Among key issues of comparative cultural linguistics is the study of units which have historical and cultural value. The purpose of the article is to compare proverbs and sayings with animalistic components of two typologically unrelated languages: German and Uzbek. The object of the study is proverbs and sayings with zoonym components – names of wild fauna representatives. In the study we used such methods as descriptive, structural, interpretative, continuous sampling method and statistical method. The analysis of the selected material revealed that the most frequently used names of wild animals as zoonym components of proverbs and sayings in both languages are the ones associated with hunting and fishing. The results of the investigation may be used in comparative cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, cultural studies, phraseology and paremiology.
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