EU27&UK gas supply-transmission-consumption structures with driving factors of consumption change
- 1. Le Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
- 2. Le Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement,
- 3. Kayrros Inc
- 4. University of California Irvine, Irvine
- 5. Tsinghua University
Russia was the primary natural gas supplier to the EU before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. The substantial reduction in Russian gas supplies to many EU countries precipitated a severe energy crisis across the EU27&UK, leading to significant alterations in their natural gas supply, transmission, and consumption dynamics. To analyze these shifts, we updated our natural gas supply dataset, EUGasSC (originally described in version 1.0), incorporating daily country- and sector-specific supply sources. In version 2.0 of the dataset, we introduce EUGasNet, a newly constructed dataset detailing daily intra-EU natural gas transmission with specific supply sources, utilizing data from ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas) alongside EUGasSC data. Furthermore, we developed EUGasImpact, a daily dataset capturing sector-specific drivers of consumption changes based on change attribution models employing multiple open datasets.
The EUGasSC and EUGasNet dataset was developed with a gas network flow simulation based on flow mass balance by combining data from multiple datasets including ENTSO-G, ENTSO-E, and Eurostat energy balance (annual and monthly). The EUGasSC dataset was validated with BP Statistical Review of World Energy and multiple Eurostat datasets. The EUGasSC shows the share of gas supplied by Russia in each country to analyze the ‘gap’ that would result from a stop of all Russian exports to Europe. In the dataset v 2.0, we refined our model to simulate the supply share within the EU gas transmission network, represented as EUGasNet.
The version 1.0 of our dataset has been published at ESSD:
In the EUGasImpact dataset, we assess the change in gas consumption in the pre- and post-invasion periods, along with their driving factors, across the heating, power, and industrial sectors. For the heating sector, we examined whether changes in consumption were due to behavioral shifts or temperature anomalies. To quantify these drivers, we used a behavior-climate attribution model base on empirical temperature-gas-consumption (TGC) curves based on population-weighted air temperatures using the Eurostat population dataset and ERA5 daily 2-meters air temperature data.In the power and industrial sectors, we investigated the potential for renewable energy to replace gas consumption and assessed the impact on power and industrial production. We developed an explainable-reduction attribution model to quantify these driving factors.
The methods and further details are available in our paper:
With version 2.0 of our datasets, we provide multidimensional insights into the dynamics of the EU's gas landscape, offering valuable resources for future research in energy modeling, carbon emission analysis, climate change research, and policy discussions. These datasets facilitate analysis of the changes in the EU gas landscape between the pre- and post-invasion winters and how the EU27&UK adapted their gas supply, transmission, and consumption patterns in response to the crisis. The quantification of driving factors in the residential heating, power, and industrial sectors provides insights into the socio-economic impacts of the gas crisis.
Table. Descriptions of column headers and units of EUGasNet and EUGasImpact.
Dataset | Header | Description | Unit |
EUGasNet | date | Transmission date | DateTime |
fromCountry | Start country key | CountryKey | |
toCountry | End country key | CountryKey | |
LNG_share | Supply ratio from LNG | 0-1 | |
PRO_share | Supply ratio from EU Production | 0-1 | |
RU_share | Supply ratio from Russian Production | 0-1 | |
AZ_share | Supply ratio from Azerbaijan | 0-1 | |
DZ_share | Supply ratio from Algeria | 0-1 | |
NO_share | Supply ratio from Norway | 0-1 | |
RS_share | Supply ratio from Serbia | 0-1 | |
TR_share | Supply ratio from Turkey | 0-1 | |
LY_share | Supply ratio from Libya | 0-1 | |
TotalFlow | Total transmission ammount | KWh | |
EUGasImpact | date | date | DateTime |
country | country | CountryKey | |
house_heating | Consumption of house heating | GWh | |
house_heating_diff_total | Consumption difference compared to pre-invasion periods | GWh | |
house_heating_diff_T | Consumption differences caused by temperature | GWh | |
house_heating_diff_behavior | Consumption differences caused by behavior | GWh | |
house_heating_residual | Consumption differences residual | GWh | |
public_heating | Consumption of public heating | GWh | |
public_heating_diff_total | Consumption difference compared to pre-invasion periods | GWh | |
public_heating_diff_T | Consumption differences caused by temperature | GWh | |
public_heating_diff_behavior | Consumption differences caused by behavior | GWh | |
public_heating_residual | Consumption differences residual | GWh | |
power_generated_with_gas | Power generated with gas | GWh | |
power_generated_with_gas_diff | Differences in power generated with gas compared to pre-invasion periods | GWh | |
power_dorp_filled_with_fossil | Gas-powered electricity reduction (if exists) replaced by fossil electricity | GWh | |
power_dorp_filled_with_green | Gas-powered electricity reduction (if exists) replaced by green electricity | GWh | |
power_dorp_filled_with_nuclear | Gas-powered electricity reduction (if exists) replaced by nuclear electricity | GWh | |
power_dorp_can_not_filled | Gas-powered electricity reduction (if exists) can not be replaced | GWh | |
industrial | Consumption of industrial | GWh | |
industrial_diff | Consumption difference compared to pre-invasion periods | GWh | |
reduced_impact_industrial_production | Consumption reduction (if exists) might reduce industrial production | GWh |
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- Is new version of
- Journal: 10.5194/essd-15-949-2023 (DOI)