Their home among strangers
This article discusses the features stay Latvians in Northeast China, caught on the territory of Manchuria, long before the October revolution of 1917 g. Outside the motherland, Latvian community has managed to preserve their national identity — language, culture and traditions. Trying to avoid assimilation, Latvians lived in Manchuria closed community. It is believed that between Latvians worldwide there is a special link that Latvians are merged across a sense of national spirit and blood kinship.
The object of scientific research is a vital activity of Latvian national community, particularly its inclusion in the process of social, cultural and political cooperation, as well as the Organization of Latvian Central National Committee resettlement of Latvians home.
Methodological principles based on Historicism and scientific objectivity. When writing an article, the author relied on both works by contemporary researchers and archival documents.
The author finds that the relevance of the article is the issue of the purges in 20–30, in the cruelty of the repressive State machinery, under the rims which hit not only wrong but also, whose fates have adjoined with the Harbin–Russian They city in the Far East.
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