Published February 23, 2018 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Ultrafast optical ranging using microresonator soliton frequency combs: Data deposit


This content of this data deposit is the following:

  • Archive ‘Microresonator design file’: A GDS-File with the design of the microresonators
  • Archive ‘Figure_data’: Data shown in all figures with MATLAB scripts for exemplary plot generation.
  • Archives ‘Figure2D’, ‘Figure2E’, ‘Figure3B’ and ‘Figure3D’: Raw data and executable files related to figures 2D, 2E, 3B and 3D of the publication

Further information on the archive ‘Microresonator design file’:

A free GDS viewer can be downloaded from:

The designed Si3N4 height was 800 nm.

Further information on the archives ‘Figure2D’, ‘Figure2E’, ‘Figure3B’ and ‘Figure3D’:

Each archive contains two folders, corresponding to two evaluation steps executed to evaluate raw measurement data. In the first step, raw data is processed into distance information. For this purpose, the folder ‘Distance_evaluation’ in each archive contains the raw data recorded in the experiments, as well as an executable file in order to process the raw data into distance data files.

In the second step, distance data files are further processed according to the respective measurement, e.g. the computation of the Allan deviation in Fig. 2D. For this purpose, further executable files are available in the other folder in each archive. The required distance files are already copied into these folders, but can also be computed again and copy-pasted into the respective folder. The final output will be txt-files with data such as the data shown in the figures.

Instructions on running the executable files:

All executable files require Matlab Runtime version R2017a, see in each folder the readme.txt-file for further instructions. In order to process the raw data, do not rename the files and do not change the folder, within which the raw data is located. Otherwise, the executable file may not work. Likewise, do not rename any distance-files that are used for further evaluation as well as the other input files that are required for further evaluations:

  • Figure3B\Profile_Comparison: ‘xCMM.txt’, ‘yCMM.txt’
  • Figure3D\OCT_Comparison: ‘OCTX.txt’, ‘OCTY.txt’

Note, that some of the executable files make use of parallel computing. Depending on the CPU available and the amount of data to be processed, the evaluation duration can vary between a few minutes and several hours.

Information on the raw data files:

The raw data of all distance measurements are .h5 files recorded using a high-speed oscilloscope with a sample rate of 80 GSa/s. For each measurement, two recordings are stored, one for the actual distance measurement, and one for the reference measurement (indicated by either ‘MES’ or ‘REF’ at the end of the file name). An h5-viewer (see e.g. is recommended in order to look directly into the raw data.

Information on the distance data files:

The output of each distance evaluation is another h5-file, containing an n × 6  matrix, with n being the number of distance values.

  • The first column represents the actual distance value,
  • The second column the time,
  • The third column the quantity εN as defined in Eq. (S13) in the Supplementary Materials,
  • The fourth and the fifth column the intensity of the signal received from the oscilloscope for the signal and the reference channel (scales are not the same),
  • And the last column the recorded free spectral range of the measurement comb.

Again, the files are directly accessible by using an h5-viewer.


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