Published April 30, 2024 | Version,Vol16,Issue4,Article7.pdf
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Health Seeking Behaviour of Patients Attending Art Centre in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Raigad District of Maharastra

  • 1. Project Coordinator, Sambandh Health Foundation, Gurugram, Haryana
  • 2. Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, MGM Medical College & Hospital, Navi Mumbai
  • 3. Senior Resident, Department of Community Medicine, MGM Medial College & Hospital, Navi Mumbai
  • 4. Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine, MGM Medical College & Hospital, Navi Mumbai


Introduction: The early start of lifelong antiretroviral medication (ART) for HIV-positive patients and subsequent retention has been crucial to India’s fight against AIDS. Effective adherence to lifetime ART lowers an HIV-positive person’s viral load to an undetectable level. Appropriate health-seeking behaviour is crucial because it enables early diagnosis and treatment of conditions, which can lower complications and enhance quality of life. Objective: To assess the health-seeking behaviour of patients attending ART centre of a tertiary care hospital in Raigad district of Maharashtra. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of 1 year at the ART centre in a tertiary care hospital. Data regarding socio-demographic profile, health-seeking behaviour of HIV positive patients and patient’s attitude toward ART has been collected using pre- designed and pretested questionnaire. All the 180 registered HIV positive patient (>18 years) who have been registered at the ART centre were included in the study. Results: Majority, of HIV positive patients were between age of 36-50. The health behaviours like, advantages of going to different places for HIV/AIDS treatment and whether they consider going to another ART centre if they face any problems in getting ART were significantly low i.e., 16.1% and 17.8% respectively. It has been observed that HIV positive patients have a good attitude towards current ART centre. Conclusion: Efforts are needed to improve the health-seeking behaviour of people living with HIV/AIDS.


Abstract (English)

Introduction: The early start of lifelong antiretroviral medication (ART) for HIV-positive patients and subsequent retention has been crucial to India’s fight against AIDS. Effective adherence to lifetime ART lowers an HIV-positive person’s viral load to an undetectable level. Appropriate health-seeking behaviour is crucial because it enables early diagnosis and treatment of conditions, which can lower complications and enhance quality of life. Objective: To assess the health-seeking behaviour of patients attending ART centre of a tertiary care hospital in Raigad district of Maharashtra. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of 1 year at the ART centre in a tertiary care hospital. Data regarding socio-demographic profile, health-seeking behaviour of HIV positive patients and patient’s attitude toward ART has been collected using pre- designed and pretested questionnaire. All the 180 registered HIV positive patient (>18 years) who have been registered at the ART centre were included in the study. Results: Majority, of HIV positive patients were between age of 36-50. The health behaviours like, advantages of going to different places for HIV/AIDS treatment and whether they consider going to another ART centre if they face any problems in getting ART were significantly low i.e., 16.1% and 17.8% respectively. It has been observed that HIV positive patients have a good attitude towards current ART centre. Conclusion: Efforts are needed to improve the health-seeking behaviour of people living with HIV/AIDS.




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