Published December 13, 2017 | Version 0.1
Dataset Restricted

Official Science Repository of the QB50 Project

  • 1. von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics


QB50 data will provide the opportunity to study the mid-lower thermosphere in unparalleled detail with a completely novel data set. These data will be generated by a constellation of instruments in orbit and they will offer in-situ measurements of the density of the most prominent gases (i.e. N2, NO, O, O2, e-) in the thermosphere.

This is an ideal situation for students at universities around the world to use QB50 as a basis for research projects, either at Master degree level or for a PhD since the data will guarantee the chance to publish peer-reviewed scientific articles and possibly provide important discoveries or new phenomena in the thermosphere. The aim for students of postdoctoral researchers is to become involved in the mission operations or data calibration once the mission is flying and so get hands-on experience with the data as they are recorded. This allows the researchers the opportunity to design specific experiments they may wish to try, for example studying a specific region in the thermosphere, or finding specific conjunctions of CubeSats in the QB50 fleet, and respond to interesting events found in the data.

The structure of the dataset is given in the readme.txt file.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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You need to satisfy these conditions in order for this request to be accepted:

Please complete the form below with your name, email address and a detailed justification that explains the data usage.

Every justification shall include answers to the following questions:
- Why are you interested in the data?
- Which institution or research center are you representing?
- How are you going to use the data?

We reserve the rights to grant access to the data based on a rightful justification.

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Additional details


European Commission
QB50 – An international network of 50 CubeSats for multi-point, in-situ measurements in the lower thermosphere and re-entry research 284427