[IO Islamic 992] مجموعۀ مشتمل بچند ابواب در فنّ اشعار
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- Majmû’a-i-mushtamil baćand abwab dar fann-i-ash׳âr
- This manuscript is now IO Islamic 1744 in the India Office collections.
- [metadata: Hermann Ethé, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, 2 vols. (Oxford: India Office, 1903): volume 1, number 992 here with notations and hyperlinks].
Majmû’a-i-mushtamil baćand abwab dar fann-i-ash׳âr (مجموعۀ مشتمل بچند ابواب در فنّ اشعار).
Fragment of a collection of specimens of the different branches of poetry, by various authors, arranged according to the topics of which they treat, in a great number of chapters, for instance: در توحيد بارى تعالى – در نعت مصطفى صلّى الله عليه و سلّم - در حقائق و حكمت و موعظة – الخ.
This copy contains only a portion of the whole, comprising ḳaṣîdas, ghazals, ḳiṭ’as, and rubâ’îs, chiefly by Sanâ’î, Sâzanî (died A.H. 569), Sa’dî, Khâḳânî (died A.H. 595), Amîr Khusrau, Niżâmî (died A.H. 598 or 599), ‘Irâḳî (died A.H. 686 or 688), etc.
Beginning: ابتدا بسم الله الرّحمن – الرّحيم المتوالى الاحسان ׳ بعد از حمد و ثناء ربّ الودود و درود نامعدود الخ
A lacuna after fol. 428. Many small blanks.
No. 992, ff. 321b-460b, ll. 25; clear Nasta’lîḳ; size, 107/8 in. by 63/8 in.
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