Published May 2, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Description of two new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from northern Peru, previously confused with P. phoxocephalus Lynch 1979


Abstract: Based on morphological and previously published molecular evidence, herein we describe two new species of Pristimantis from the Andes of northern Peru; Pristimantis sp. nov. 1 from Cañaris in the northern region of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes, at an elevation of 3200 m.a.s.l., Lambayeque Department, northwestern Peru, and Pristimantis sp. nov. 2 from the Huarmicocha to Cochabamba trail in the northern region of the Cordillera Central, at an elevation of 3376 m.a.s.l., Amazonas Department, northeastern Peru. Both new species are morphologically similar to and were previously confused with Pristimantis phoxocephalus, because they shared (i) the presence of a pointed rostral papilla, (ii) acutely or acuminated shaped snout in dorsal view, and (iii) in life, distinctive coloration on groin and concealed surfaces of thighs. However, the new species are not closely related to species from the P. phoxocephalus group and can be readily diagnosed from morphologically similar Pristimantis from Peru and Ecuador by the combination of the following characters: snout shape, tuberculate or coarsely tuberculate dorsum, and the color of concealed surfaces of thighs and groin.

Technical info

The research was funded by Rain Forest Partnership through the Hollomon Price Foundation. We are indebted to Lourdes Y. Echevarria for sharing her field notes and photographs of Pristimantis yanahampatu and its habitat. Moreover, a special thanks to Marco Salas and Juaquin Briones for their logistic support in the field. The field work in Amazonas Department was funded by the NGO Ucumari.


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Holotipus article 5, Vol5-1, 2024 1-20.pdf

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