Representation of the Sacredness Phenomenon of Khortytsia Island and Cossack Culture by Means of Cinema and Photography
- 1. Kyiv University of Culture, Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to analyse the means of cinema and photography used to represent the sacredness of Khortytsia Island and Cossack culture. To investigate the impact of audiovisual art on the perception and interpretation of the sacred aspects of Cossack culture and the history of Khortytsia Island as a sacred place through cinema and photography. The research methodology is to apply the following methods: theoretical (to analyse the source base of the study, collect information about the sacredness of Khortytsia Island and Cossack culture, review historical material, articles and scientific studies, compare information in these sources; select films and photographic materials that reflect the sacred aspects of Cossack culture and Khortytsia Island); comparative-analytical (to analyse the means of cinema and photography to identify the features and tools used to represent sacredness); empirical (to take photographs representing sacred objects and places in Zaporizhzhia). Scientific novelty. The article analyses for the first time how visual media can be used to preserve and reproduce the cultural traditions and intangible values of our people. The influence of audiovisual art on the formation of cultural discourse is investigated, and the role of visual culture in the modern world is studied. Conclusions. The article analyses the means of cinema and photography used to represent the sacredness of Khortytsia Island and Cossack culture. Examples of the successful use of cinema and photography tools and instruments to represent the sacredness of Khortytsia Island and Cossack culture are presented. It has been proved that these tools are effective in embodying the spiritual significance of the island in a visual form, helping viewers better understand and perceive the sacred aspects of the Cossacks and the history of Khortytsia, and can be used to preserve and reproduce cultural traditions.
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