The article deals with the problem of developing the language competence of students of higher education institutions through home reading. Currently, English is taught as a compulsory subject for two semesters in almost all educational programs of higher education institutions. The content of education and the methodology of language teaching are constantly changing. And in recent decades, the trend that has been gaining constant dynamics is teaching the language as an integral part, not just from a linguistic point of view, but in mutual unity with culture. That is, in order to communicate freely in the language being taught, students need to learn and understand not only the language, but also the culture, history, literature, traditions and customs of the people who speak that language as their mother tongue. And such knowledge can be obtained from the literature of that country. Therefore, teaching the language through literary works is always relevant.Therefore, in this article, we aim to present a system of tasks for the development of linguistic and cultural competence of students based on Ira Levin's work "A kiss before dying". Specifically, it will be realized by working with artistic and visual tools that preserve and convey the culture of that country in any literary work. A pedagogical experiment was conducted to achieve this goal. Pedagogical experiment consists of preliminary diagnosis, experiment process and result.
As a result of the study, the effectiveness of developing language skills of students through home reading was determined. By reading a literary work, it was shown that not only linguistic abilities, but also cultural cognitive competences of students increased. Putting the proposed experiment into practice in higher educational institutions is beneficial from any point of view.
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