Published April 30, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Impact Teaching Online Toward Students' Psychology In Learning Listening and Speaking for General Communication


The purpose of this study is to describe the impact of teaching online toward students Psychology in learning listening and speaking for General Communication. In analyzing the data for this study, the researchers used a qualitative method, and using total sampling techniques. The respondents of this research were stuengdents at 1st semester at Christian University of Indonesia Toraja (UKI Toraja) and the a lecturer who teach Listening and speaking for general communication. To analyze the data, the researchers used participated observation, interview and collected document relate to the data. In data observation, the researchers used check list observation that happened in teaching online process, then interviewed the students after teaching online, on the other hands, the researchers get students’ score of listening and speaking for general communication. The result of this research is the impact of the teaching online 

 Psychological impacts that occur on students when carrying out online learning are: reduced effectiveness in learning, interaction with the environment, and learning focus. This matter lead to decreased performance. Some students also experience emotional stress in explaining the material given by the teacher. Besides that, students have difficulty dealing with teacher assignments. Because, most of the educational institutions in Indonesia unprepared for online learning that has an impact on the assignment and teaching process for learners. Some of the students' assignments are also completed by their friends or other people. It is sure only have an impact in the future. The impact is that the child will experience dependent on the help of others and less independent in completing tasks.



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