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Published December 12, 2017 | Version v1
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The genus Diphasia L. Agassiz, 1862 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in Northwest Africa


Gil, Marta, Ramil, Fran (2017): The genus Diphasia L. Agassiz, 1862 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in Northwest Africa. Zootaxa 4363 (3): 301-349, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4363.3.1



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  • Hordaland, UMB Nr.301, Jul. 1887 (no further information provided in the label): two colonies 56-67 mm high, one with male gonothecae.
  • Alvarez Claudio, M.C. (1993) Hydrozoos bentonicos y catalogo de Antozoos de la plataforma y talud continentales de la costa central de Asturias. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Oviedo, pp. 1-458.
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