Published February 28, 2024 | Version,Vol16,Issue2,Article143.pdf
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A Cross-Sectional Study of Socio-Demographic and Illness Factors Affecting the Pathway to Psychiatric Care

  • 1. Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, NIMHANS, Bengaluru
  • 2. Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam
  • 3. Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam
  • 4. Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam


Introduction: There is a significant treatment gap for Psychiatric disorders and some of the reasons being lack of knowledge about psychiatric illness as well as its treatment, stigma and misconception that mental illness was due to supernatural causes. The reasons for a significant delay in consulting a psychiatrist can be understood by studying the pathway to psychiatric care. This study was aimed to assess the relationship between socio-demographic and illness variables with the first care provider and to assess the perception of care givers in help seeking behavior. Methods: This cross-sectional, hospital-based study involving a total of 367 patients who had been newly registered in Government Hospital for Mental Care, Visakhapatnam was conducted using a convenient sampling method. Semi-structured proforma containing socio-demographic and illness variables, World health Organization (WHO) encounter form and care givers perception of mental illness proforma were used for data collection. Results: In this study, it was found that subjects who were female, belonging to a rural background and low socio-economic status, having less than 10 years of education, diagnosed with a major mental illness, residing at a distance of more than 150 kms from the hospital approached traditional healers first when compared to their counter parts. Those who had visited traditional healers in their initial consultation had more mean duration of untreated illness and high mean number of consultations. Conclusion: The pathway to care might vary based on regional and socio-cultural factors. The current study highlights the necessity for community education programmes about identification of psychiatric disorders as well as the sufficient training of non-psychiatric health care workers regarding the symptomatology of psychiatric disorders so that the patient could receive a psychiatric referral as early as possible.



Abstract (English)

Introduction: There is a significant treatment gap for Psychiatric disorders and some of the reasons being lack of knowledge about psychiatric illness as well as its treatment, stigma and misconception that mental illness was due to supernatural causes. The reasons for a significant delay in consulting a psychiatrist can be understood by studying the pathway to psychiatric care. This study was aimed to assess the relationship between socio-demographic and illness variables with the first care provider and to assess the perception of care givers in help seeking behavior. Methods: This cross-sectional, hospital-based study involving a total of 367 patients who had been newly registered in Government Hospital for Mental Care, Visakhapatnam was conducted using a convenient sampling method. Semi-structured proforma containing socio-demographic and illness variables, World health Organization (WHO) encounter form and care givers perception of mental illness proforma were used for data collection. Results: In this study, it was found that subjects who were female, belonging to a rural background and low socio-economic status, having less than 10 years of education, diagnosed with a major mental illness, residing at a distance of more than 150 kms from the hospital approached traditional healers first when compared to their counter parts. Those who had visited traditional healers in their initial consultation had more mean duration of untreated illness and high mean number of consultations. Conclusion: The pathway to care might vary based on regional and socio-cultural factors. The current study highlights the necessity for community education programmes about identification of psychiatric disorders as well as the sufficient training of non-psychiatric health care workers regarding the symptomatology of psychiatric disorders so that the patient could receive a psychiatric referral as early as possible.





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