Published April 26, 2024 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Jeremiodes ecuadoricus Hennemann & Conle 2024, sp. n.

  • 1. Tannenwaldallee 53, 61348 Bad Homburg, Germany. hennemann @ phasmatodea. com; http: // zoobank. org / urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 651 FCCFA- 271 B- 48 A 3 - A 58 E-A 30 FDC 739493 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6547 - 4704; Website: www. phasmatodea. com
  • 2. Tannenwaldallee 53, 61348 Bad Homburg, Germany. hennemann @ phasmatodea. com; http: // zoobank. org / urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 651 FCCFA- 271 B- 48 A 3 - A 58 E-A 30 FDC 739493 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6547 - 4704; Website: www. phasmatodea. com & Am Freischütz 16, 47058 Duisburg, Germany. conle @ phasmatodea. de; http: // zoobank. org / urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: D 2712 C 02 - 7973 - 4 FAA-A 186 - 5 F 8540 A 66691 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5609 - 5107; Website: www. phasmatodea. com * Corresponding author & Tannenwaldallee 53, 61348 Bad Homburg, Germany. hennemann @ phasmatodea. com; http: // zoobank. org / urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 651 FCCFA- 271 B- 48 A 3 - A 58 E-A 30 FDC 739493 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6547 - 4704; Website: www. phasmatodea. com


Jeremiodes ecuadoricus sp. n. 26447B53-98BD-4E5B-8AA2-CE5AE28C357F

(Figs. 33B, 33D, 34G–H, 84E)

HT, ♀: Prov. Napo, Tena: Misahualli Jatun Sacha, 20 IV 1990; Museum Paris, Equateur, S. Poulain rec. [MNHN].

Diagnosis. Females of this new species (the only sex known) closely resemble those of the two Peruvian species J. pachycercus (Redtenbacher, 1908) and P. peruanus sp. n. They may however be separated from both by the more flattened and almost sub-cylindrical head (Fig. 33D), much more pronounced, node-like granules of the thorax, more distinctly granulose basal abdominal terga, broader, spatulate subgenital plate which has the apex broad and obtusely angular (Fig. 34H), stockier extremities which have all the carinae comparatively more deflexed and lamellate (basal portion of two outer ventral carinae of mesofemora in particular) and relatively shorter tarsi. From pachycercus they also differ by the smaller size.

Etymology. Named after the distribution in Ecuador.

Description. ♀♀ (Fig. 33B): Rather small (body length incl. subgenital plate 111.0 mm) and of average shape for the genus, with a flattened head, a strongly granulose thorax, unarmed meso- and metafemora and and long, spatulate subgenital plate. Colour of the dried holotype greyish olive, the thorax with a slight brown wash and the abdomen with more green tones. Granules of the median dorsal portion of the thoracic nota ochre, the lateral granules and those of the head, pleurae and sterna pale green. Antennae coloured like body and increasingly ochre towards the apex.

Head (Fig. 33D): Sub-cylindrical, about 1.3x longer than wide, broadest at the eyes and very gently narrowing towards the posterior, the vertex fairly flattened and just very weakly convex. Coronal line fairly pronounced in posterior portion, the vertex and genae otherwise with a few small granules that are roughly arrnged in longitudinal lines; an impression between bases of antennae. Eyes round in cross-section, rather weakly projecting and their diameter contained 2.2x in length of genae. Antennae reaching to posterior margin of metanotum, the scapus moderately deflexed laterally, narrowed towards the base and about 1.5x longer than wide. Pedicellus slightly oval in cross-section and shorter than scapus, antennomere III about equal in length to pedicellus, IV much shorter and proceeding ones gradually increasing in length.

Thorax (Fig. 33D): Pronotum about as long as but slightly narrower than head and somewhat narrowed medially with the lateral margins gently concave; about 1.5x longer than wide. Surface with a fine longitudinal median line, irregularly set with node-like granules and the transverse median sulcus distinctly impressed, slightly curved and almost reaching to lateral margins of segment. Mesothorax elongate and 5.2x longer than pronotum, constricted anteriorly, very slightly widened pre-medially and the remaining portion almost uniform in diameter with only the very posterior portion somewhat widened; all over and rather densely set with node-like to slightly tuberculiform (along lateral margins of mesonotum and on pleurae) granules. Mesonotum with posterior margin slightly raised and bulging. Metanotum very slightly narrowing towards the posterior, 1.5x longer than wide, the posterior margin with a transverse, bulge-like and smooth swelling; metanotum, pleurae and metasternum otherwise sculptured like mesothorax.

Abdomen: Median segment very slightly longer than metanotum, notably constricted medially and sculptured like metanotum. Abdominal terga minutely granulose but the granules gradually becoming more sparse and minute towards the apex of abdomen. Segment II somewhat shorter than median segment, III longer and equal to IV, V–VII slightly decreasing in length; III and IV about 2.2 longer than wide. II–V roughly uniform in width, VI–VII slightly narrowing. Sterna II–VII densely but very minutely granulose and the lateral portions densely set with ochre setae. Praeopercular organ indistinct and merely represented by a faint transverse swelling at posterior margin of sternum VII. Terga VII–X combined equal in length to VII, VIII slightly widening towards the posterior and IX transverse. Anal segment with a concave excavation posterolaterally at base of cerci (Fig. 34G) and a shallow concave posteromedian excavation. Epiproct shield shaped, rounded and transverse; very slightly projecting over posterior margin of anal segment (Fig. 34H). Cerci small, conical and with a fairly pointed tip. Gonapophyses VIII upcurved, tri-carinate in cross-section and projecting beyond apex of abdomen by about length of anal segment. Subgenital plate long, moderately keeled medio-longitudinally, rather flattened and spatulate with the lateral margins almost parallel-sided and the apex broadly and obtusely angular (Fig. 34H); projecting over abdomen by combined length of three terminal terga.

Legs: All fairly stocky, strongly carinate and entirely unarmed; profemora somewhat shorter than mesothorax, metafemora reaching half way along abdominal segment IV and metatarsi reaching to abdominal tergum VIII. Anterodorsal carina of profemora strongly raised, lamellate and uniform in height. Two outer ventral carinae of meso- and metafemora strongly deflexed and broadly rounded in basal portion. Medioventral carina of meso- and metafemora indistinct, that of meso- and metatibiae very pronounced. Tarsi moderately elongate, basitarsi with all carinae weakly deflexed and gradually constricted towards the apex in dorsal aspect; roughly as long as all remaining tarsomeres combined.

Remarks: Males and eggs unknown. Measurements in table 12.


Published as part of Hennemann, Frank H. & Conle, Oskar V., 2024, Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XXVI: Taxonomic review of Cladomorformia tax. n., a lineage of Diapheromerinae stick insects, with the descriptions of seven new genera and 41 new species (Phasmatodea: Occidophasmata: Diapheromerinae), pp. 1-454 in Zootaxa 5444 (1) on pages 87-88, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5444.1.1,


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Collection code
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Scientific name authorship
Hennemann & Conle
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Jeremiodes ecuadoricus Hennemann & Conle, 2024


  • Redtenbacher, J. (1908) n. k. In: Die Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden. III. Phasmidae Anareolatae (Phibalosomini, Acrophyllini, Necrosciini). Verlag W. Engelmann, Leipzig, pp. 341 - 589, pls. 16 - 27.