Published April 24, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

A Toolkit for Archivists and Librarians Supporting Research and Teaching in Digital Humanities

  • 1. ROR icon University of Leeds


This toolkit is a resource for archivists and librarians who support, or wish to support, digital humanities researchers and teachers and to become partners or collaborators in projects. In addition, it is of value to researchers, academic teachers and managers. The toolkit contains links to digital humanities projects, training resources and support networks.

During 2023-24, I undertook an RLUK/TNA Fellowship. My fellowship focused on digital humanities research using data from historical record series. To create this toolkit, I decided it was essential to understand the processes that a digital humanities researcher carries out during a project. I wanted to discover what skills were necessary, the training and support available, and how long a project might take.


Toolkit - Visualising the Medieval Manor_Final.pdf

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