Published September 22, 2022 | Version v1
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Vademecum - A Handbook for Effective Collaboration within the EOSC co-programmed Partnership


This Vademecum provides a framework for the cooperation between the project consortia funded through EU Calls supporting the EOSC European Co-Programmed Partnership (“the Partnership”), among themselves and with the EOSC Association (“EOSC-A”). EOSC-A is the legal entity established to represent the EOSC stakeholders in the Partnership and to ensure coordination. In this role, EOSC-A serves as the nerve centre for the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud. EOSC-A is also the project coordinator for the INFRAEOSC Horizon Europe EOSC Focus project, which supports the whole Partnership, with the EOSC-A Secretariat being the project lead. EOSC-A’s aim is to steer coordination to leverage the EOSC ecosystem. This Vademecum has been produced by EOSC-A, after consultations with the European Commission’s DG RTD, DG CNECT, and REA, in the spirit of helping project consortia to implement the European Commission’s terms and conditions set out in the Work Programme 2021-2022, common to all Destination INFRAEOSC projects (and possibly other EC-funded projects that support EOSC) and that are or will be reflected in the Description of Action (DoA), annexed to the Grant Agreement. This Vademecum is complementary to the applicable legal framework and does not affect any applicable legal rules. In case of doubt, the applicable legal rules prevail over this Vademecum. EOSC Forum, the EOSC community engagement platform, will play a pivotal role in the implementation and execution of the actions as highlighted in this Vademecum.



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