Published April 22, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Judicial Decisions, Backlash and Secessionism: The Spanish Constitutional Court and Catalonia

  • 1. CUNEF Universidad


This package containts replication instructions for the analysis in “Judicial Decisions, Backlash and Secessionism: The Spanish Constitutional Court and Catalonia” by Agustin Casas, Federico Curci, and Antoni-Italo de Moragas in the Economic Journal. Please begin with the detailed Readme file and let us know if you have doubts.

The paper study the effects of judicial decisions on sensitive issues on political attitudes. In 2010, the Spanish Constitutional Court
partially overruled the new Catalan Constitution–the Estatut–that granted further decentralization. The main result is that the  ruling increased support for independence by 5 percentage points. Please take a look at the paper to see the mechanisms and additional results.


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Roots of polarization Concurso XIX
Fundación Ramón Areces
Institutions, Geography and Politics (IGP) and Preferred Policies (IGP-PP) PID2021-127822NA-I0
Agencia Estatal de Investigación