Published April 22, 2024 | Version v1
Poster Open

Dialogue and Reflection within the French Community



The French community of OPERAS is a vital part of the broader European infrastructure OPERAS, focusing on promoting open scholarly communication in the humanities and social sciences. OPERAS France’s main goal is to efficiently distribue information regarding OPERAS projects, updates, and activities among the French academic community.

The presented poster highlights the diversity of OPERAS France’s members and their varied activities. These members represent a multitude of organizations and infrastructures, each bringing a unique and valuable contribution to OPERAS. The poster also explores the specific areas of action of each organization and emphasizes the importance of their collective contribution to OPERAS Europe.

The use of the French language across the website and social media platforms underscores a commitment to transparent and accessible communication with native speakers. This ensures that the information provided remains relevant and easily accessible. Furthermore, this strategy fosters active engagement from members of the French community with OPERAS

The richness of the French community of OPERAS lies in its diversity, both in terms of types of organizations and infrastructures and targeted audiences. Each member brings unique and enriching perspectives, thereby contributing to strengthening OPERAS as a whole. Collaboration and engagement of all members are essential to fostering exchange of ideas and innovation within the European OPERAS community.

The members of the French community include its national node OpenEdition-CNRS; the Association of European University Presses; DARIAH ERIC; Paris Nanterre University; DGLFLF – General Delegation for the French language and languages of France; Huma-Num; Rennes University Presses; TGIR Progedo; Lorraine University; and RFIEA, the French Network of Institutes for Advanced Studies.


25_Cortez_Aldaz_Copie de OPERAS general poster-2.pdf

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