There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 21, 2024 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Certificates and Witnesses for Multi-Objective Queries in Markov Decision Processes - QEST 2024 Artefact


This artifact accompanies the QEST 2024 submission "Certificates and Witnesses for Multi-Objective Queries in Markov Decision Processes". It contains the implementation (switss-multi) of the presented techniques, that is, the computation of certificates, witnessing subsystems and schedulers for multi-objective queries in MDPs. Further, the artifact contains the PRISM models, PRISM properties and scripts bundled in a Docker image for completely reproducing the results presented in Section 5 and Appendix D. Additionally, it also contains the original raw experimental data presented in Section 5 and Appendix D and the corresponding analysis scripts. Lastly, we provide a documentation of our implementation switss-multi and describe how to use our tool via its command-line and programmatically via its Python interface.

Relation to paper
This artifact can be used to reproduce all the experimental results (including examples) presented in the paper, that is:
- The toy examples presented in Example 1 and Example 2
- Table 1 in Section 5
- Table 3 in Appendix D
- Figure 5 in Appendix D
- Figure 6 in Appendix D
- Table 4 in Appendix D

Aritfact structure
This artifact consists of the following files and folders:
- data: Contains the PRISM models, PRISM properties (queries) and original raw experimental data presented in Section 5 and Appendix D. Additionally, the log files and scripts for summarizing the raw experimental data are provided.
- switss-multi: The source code of the implementation of our presented techniques.
- switss-multi-docs: A documentation of the Python API of switss-multi.
- qest-docker-image.tar.gz: The compressed Docker image, with the installed implementation (switss-multi), PRISM models, PRISM properties and the scripts for running the experiments and analysing the raw experimental data. Moreover, it contains a copy of the data folder, in case you want to run the analysis scripts on the original data.
- docker-results: An empty folder that will be populated with results when running the experiments and analysis with the provided Docker image.
- LICENSE: The license of this artifact (MIT license).
- GUROBI-EULA: The end-user license agreement of Gurobi (also see
- GPL-3.0: The GPL 3.0 license. It is included because our dependency Storm ( is licensed under it.

Note: The first version (v1) contains the data and implementation at the point of the paper submission. This version (v2) additionally contains a Docker image and more detailed documentation and is intended for the artifact evaluation.


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