Published March 20, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Embargoed

Information Systems for Digital Transformation in Organizations: A Focus on Impact Assessment and Future of Work

  • 1. University Institute of Engineering and Technology, University of Jammu, J&K
  • 2. International Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, and Human Resource Management, University of Jammu, J&K


Abstract: Information systems accumulate, process, and analyze the information in order to control the activities of an organization. An information system elucidated as networks that are used by the individuals in specific and organizations in general in order to process and distribute the data. Such a system includes how individuals and the organizations are communicating with the help of technology to support the routinely work processes of an organization. The purpose of the paper is to assess and examine the impact of information systems on the organizations from the theoretical lens by using the transaction cost theory, agency cost theory, and sociology-based theories. For the purpose, systematic review of literature methodology of exploratory research was carried out looking into the reputed resources focusing on building up a concept around the idea. After having analyzed the literature for present research, some important theoretical propositions and synthesis of the work were discussed. It has been found that transaction cost theory has received greater attention in the study of information systems that considers together firm’s structure, costs, and efficiency. Furthermore, the paper concludes that information systems change intervention in the organizations. 

Keywords: Information Systems, Economic Environment, Organizational and Behavioural Structure, Organizational Change, and Future of Work



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