Published December 31, 2017
| Version v1
Journal article
Achradina pulchra, a Unique Dinoflagellate (Amphilothales, Dinophyceae) with a Radiolarian-like Endoskeleton of Celestite (Strontium Sulfate)
Gómez, Fernando, Kiriakoulakis, Konstadinos, Lara, Enrique (2017): Achradina pulchra, a Unique Dinoflagellate (Amphilothales, Dinophyceae) with a Radiolarian-like Endoskeleton of Celestite (Strontium Sulfate). Acta Protozoologica 56 (2): 71-76, DOI: 10.4467/16890027AP.17.006.7481, URL:
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