Published April 18, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Embargoed

Early Career Academic's Associations: A Study of Resistance and Empowerment on Social Media

  • 1. Universidad de Granada
  • 2. ROR icon University of Lisbon
  • 3. ROR icon Universidade do Porto


The current Spanish higher education landscape (characterized by evaluations, over‐ crowding of classrooms, commitment to internationalization) has social, employ‐ ment, and health repercussions for Early Career Academics (ECAs). However, this group of academics is often described as passive subjects when it comes to challeng‐ ing the current situation in higher education. In this study, we sought to understand the attitudes of resistance and criticism in ECAs by analyzing the activity (through NodeXL) and content (through Nvivo12) of the Twitter accounts of two Spanish ECA associations. Twitter (now X) was selected since social media has emerged as a new form of social empowerment and democratization. It is concluded that there are attitudes of resistance among the accounts analyzed. However, for ECAs, criti‐ cism of the evaluation system and emphasis on scientific production is relegated to the background, with criticism of their working conditions taking priority. Finally, we highlight the significant and impactful role of associations in social and political struggles.



The files will be made publicly available on April 5, 2025.

Reason: Journal Policy

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