Published March 27, 2024 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Irish Research Performing Organisations (RPO) 2nd training - National Open Access Monitor, Ireland

  • 1. ROR icon OpenAIRE Non-Profit Civil Partnership
  • 2. ROR icon Athena Research and Innovation Center In Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies


The Irish Research Performing Organisations (RPO) training is strategically crafted to enhance engagement and elevate data quality within the National Open Access Monitor of Ireland while emphasising the benefits that come with RPOs' Repositories/CRIS Systems being integrated into the National Open Access Monitor of Ireland. Key elements of this initiative encompass the registration of Repositories/CRIS Systems with OpenAIRE, aligning with the OpenAIRE Guidelines. This training is not only beneficial for RPOs that want to register their Repositories/CRIS Systems with OpenAIRE but also for those aiming to upgrade their compliance with these guidelines. This endeavour substantially amplifies the value of Repositories/CRIS Systems metadata by promoting improved metadata interoperability and FAIRness, alignment with IT and repository standards, and the delivery of more adaptable, context-enriched content with enhanced vocabularies. The ultimate goal is to unveil a more robust and qualitative RPO Monitor with richer and more comprehensive indicators.


2nd RPO training - National Open Access Monitor, Ireland.pdf

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