Published April 16, 2024 | Version v1
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Salbutamol, a selective β2-adrenergic receptor agonist, is one treatment for acute asthmatic bronchospasm episodes and other chronic bronchopulmonary diseases. This article's goal is to make clear in the chemistry, mechanism, pharmacokinetics, indication, dosage, side effect and overall information regarding the salbutamol therapy. The drug is useful for treating symptoms of bronchospasm as well as preventing it due to its potent smooth muscle relaxant properties. Salbutamol, the first selective SABA to be widely utilized in clinical practice, was initially made available in 1968. As a 4-(2-amino-1-hydroxyethyl)-2-(hydroxymethyl) phenol with a tert-butyl group bonded to the nitrogen atom, Salbutamol belongs to the class of phenylethanolamines with molecular weight: 239.31 g/mol. How much salbutamol is prescribed depends on the patient's age, the condition being treated, and the formulation being used. Salbutamol converts cyclic AMP (cAMP) by reversibly binding to β2-receptors. This subsequently sets off a series of intracellular events that block the contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, thus facilitating bronchodilation. Peak plasma salbutamol concentration is seen about two hours following oral dose, which is quickly and well absorbed. But only 50% of the drug's bioavailability is achieved due to the first-pass impact, which is caused by the intestinal mucosa's strong hepatic and pre-systemic metabolism. The drug is used to treat bronchial asthma, bronchospasm, COPD and premature labour. Preterm labour is inhibited and hence pregnancy is prolonged by oral salbutamol, an effective technique. Salbutamol principally induces hypokalaemia by β2-stimulating the skeletal muscle Na+/K+-ATPase pump, which moves potassium intracellularly. Lactic acidosis may potentially result from acute salbutamol poisoning. Headache and muscle cramps are the common side effects associated with salbutamol therapy.

Keywords: Salbutamol, Beta 2 agonist, Asthma drug, Bronchodilator, Albuterol.



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