Published April 11, 2024 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Large Grid of Non-Grey Global Circulation Models Run With SPARC/MiTgcm

  • 1. ROR icon University of Oxford
  • 2. ROR icon Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur


Data from a large grid of non-grey Global Circulation Models run with SPARC/MiTgcm. This includes: pressure-temperature profiles, spectra and phase curves. A python tool for visualising the grid data is also included.

Detailed information on the model and grid setup used to produce this data can be found and at: and

In addition to the drag free models described in additional models with varying rayleigh drag timescales are also included.

Pressure-temperature profile files include the following information for each pressure level, latitude and longitude: temperature (K), potential temperature (K), longitudinal wind speed U (m/s), latitudinal wind speed V (m/s), vertical Wind speed (Pa/s), vertical wind speed (m/s) and vertical gas density (kg/m^3).

Spectra files include the following information for each phase and wavelength (Microns): flux (Fp/Fs), flux (erg/cm^2/sr/hz/s).

Phase curve files include the flux in a number of different instrument bandpasses for each phase.

More information on the data files, including wavelength ranges for the different phase curve bandpasses, can be found within the Data_README.txt file.

We additionally provide a data visualiser in the form of a python script. Information about it can be found in Slider_README.txt file.

(V1 was missing a couple of pressure-temperature profiles for models with drag, these have been added to V2.)


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Preprint: 10.1093/mnras/stae984 (DOI)