Published April 15, 2024 | Version v1
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Mediálna diatéza u Apollónia Dyskola: gramatikografické a typologické aspekty

  • 1. ROR icon Comenius University Bratislava


Starogrécki gramatici nekládli médium na rovnakú úroveň ako aktívum a pasívum, čo boli dve základné diatézy. V gramatickom pojednaní Apollónia Dyskola De Constructione sa médiu dostáva iba vedľajšie postavenie, pričom je charakterizované v negatívnych termínoch ako ne-aktívum a ne-pasívum. V predkladanom článku konfrontujeme definíciu média s definíciou autopasíva a analyzujeme, ako sa Apollónios ďalej pokúša definovať médium prostredníctvom pojmov skhḗma a sunémptōsis.

Middle diathesis in Apollonius Dyscolus: grammaticographical and typological aspects

Ancient Greek grammarians did not put the middle on the same level as the active or the passive, which were the two basic diatheses. In Apollonius Dyscolus’ grammatical treatise De Constructione, the middle is given an accessory and secondary status and is characterized in negative terms as non-active and non-passive. In the following paper we will confront the definition of the middle with the notion of autopátheia and analyze how Apollonius attempts to further define the middle through the notions of skhḗma and sunémptōsis.



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