Published April 4, 2024 | Version v1
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Contribuția factorului uman la îmbunătățirea performanței sectorului de asigurare cu energie electrică al republicii Moldova=The Contribution of Human Factor to Improving the Performance of the Sector Responsible for Providing Energy in the Republic of Moldova


This paper represents a theoretical-practical induction of the elucidation of the contribution of the human factor in increasing the performance of the electricity insurance sector in the Republic of Moldova. As the object of the research, I selected the company C. „Red-Nord” from the Republic of Moldova, electricity distributor. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the contribution of human capital of electricity companies in achieving and increasing the performance of electricity companies. Thus, the main indicators of the structure and dynamics of human resources within the company were analyzed. As a result, we can observe that within the analyzed company, the employees have a valuable human capital, and the company is always concerned with increasing investments in capitalizing on the human potential of its own employees. The research methodology is focused on the use of the following methods: analysis, induction, deduction, scientific abstraction, qualitative analysis. In conclusion, we can mention that the company C. „Red-Nord” must strengthen its efforts in order to develop its employees, through the accumulation of digital skills, sustainable development, STEAM, etc.


Corbu, Viorel. Contribuția factorului uman la îmbunătățirea performanței sectorului de asigurare cu energie electrică al republicii Moldova=The Contribution of Human Factor to Improving the Performance of the Sector Responsible for Providing Energy in the Republic of Moldova / Viorel Corbu, Marilena Doncean // Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere: Materialele Conferinţei Internaţionale, Ediţia a XIX-a, 27 octombrie 2023.– Iaşi : 2023. – Vol. XLV. – P.121-129. – ISSN 2871-8740.



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