Published April 3, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

OREN Knowledge Repository: A database of programs, best practices and general data for rural entrepreneurs

  • 1. Intelligent Decision Support Systems - IDS
  • 2. System Dynamics Italian Chapter
  • 3. Euro Education Bulgaria
  • 5. Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management
  • 6. ITKAM - Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany
  • 7. Camara de comercio de Badajoz
  • 8. Federconsumatori Lazio


The OREN project, Multi-Stakeholder Platform for Rural Entrepreneurs (Project reference No: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000033510), is funded by ERASMUS+ through the Italian National Agency Indire and upon completion, expected in 2024, OREN will provide entrepreneurs in the rural sector with a unique toolbox. The tools provided will include courses, guidelines and, most importantly, an integrated platform with business tools where it will be possible to control and coordinate a Business Plan. 

Part of the material that was developed for the project were data on best practice for rural entreprises. The current knowledge repository contains two files:

1) OREN_Data_repository_PR1.xlsx: It contains 3 tabs

  • IMPORTANT FACTORS: The tab contains important factors that emerged from a desk research on the partner countries of the OREN project. 
  • CASE STUDIES: The tab contains relevant case studies from the partner countries of the OREN project
  • PROGRAMS: The tab contains relevant programs about rural entrepreneurship from the partner countries of the OREN project

2) OREN_Data_repository_PR2.xlsx: It contains data were grouped into two categories:

  • General Data on the area of interest of the partner’s country
  • Specific data on rural organizations in the area of interest.




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