Published March 30, 2024 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Data and Code for "Does Organic Farming Jeopardize Food Security of Farm Households in Benin?"

  • 1. University of Parakou
  • 2. ROR icon University of Copenhagen


This data and code archive provides all the data and code for replicating the empirical analysis that is presented in the journal article "Does Organic Farming Jeopardize Food Security of Farm Households in Benin?" authored by Ghislain B.D. Aïhounton and Arne Henningsen and published in the journal Food Policy (Volume 124, April 2024, 102622, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2024.102622).

We conducted the empirical analysis with the "R" statistical software (version 4.3.3) using the add-on packages "AER" (version 1.2.12), "DescTools" (version 0.99.54), "lmtest" (version 0.9.40), "moments" (version 0.14.1), "sandwich" (version 3.1.0), "stargazer" (version 5.2.3), and "xtable" (version 1.8.4) that are all available at CRAN.

This replication package contains the following files:

This file.

* R/dataBenin.csv
A CSV file that contains the (unprepared) data set. The variables in this file are described in file R/Variables.csv. This CSV file is imported by R script PrepareDataFoodNutrition.R.

* R/Variables.csv
A CSV file that describes the variables in the (unprepared) data set (file R/dataBenin.csv).

* R/PrepareData.R
An R script that imports the (unprepared) data set (file R/dataBenin.csv), calculates additional variables and add theses variables to the data set, removes observations that should not be used in the empirical analysis, and saves the prepared data set as CSV file (R/dataFoodNutrition.csv).

* R/dataPrepared.csv
A CSV file that contains the (prepared) data set used in the empirical analysis. This CSV file is created by the R script R/PrepareDataFoodNutrition.R. It is imported by the R scripts R/DescriptiveTab.R, FoodNutritionImpact.R, and GridSearchFoodSecurity.R.

* R/DescriptiveTab.R
An R script that imports the prepared data set (file R/dataFoodNutrition.R) and creates Table 1 of the paper ("Descriptive statistics", file paper/tables/DescriptiveStat.tex) as LaTeX file.

* R/Estimations.R
An R script that imports the prepared data set (file R/dataFoodNutrition.R), conducts all the analyses presented in the paper, creates Tables 2 and 3 of the paper ("OLS and IV regression results of the conditional associations between organic farming and outcomes" and "OLS and IV regression results of the conditional associations between organic farming and mediating outcomes", LaTeX files paper/tables/estMainReg.tex and paper/tables/estMedReg.tex), creates Figures 1 and 2 of the paper ("Estimated conditional associations of organic farming with outcomes" and "Estimated conditional associations of organic farming with mediating outcomes", 12 PDF files paper/figures/*.pdf), and 45 Tables that are included in the Supplementary Information: 36 tables with detailed regression results (LaTeX files paper/tables/tabels/est*.tex), one table with results of the first-stage probit regression (LaTeX file paper/tables/tabels/estProbit.tex), 6 tables with detailed regression results of estimations for testing the exogeneity of the instrument as suggested by Di Falco et al. (2011) (LaTeX files paper/tables/tabels/estOLS*Falco.tex), and 2 tables with coefficient bounds obtained as suggested by Oster (2019) (LaTeX files paper/tables/tabels/Oster*.tex).

* R/GridSearch.R
An R script that re-runs our regression analyses with different units of measurement of IHS-transformed variables and calculates various indicators that can can be used to assess the appropriateness of different units of measurement as suggested by Aihounton and Henningsen (2021) and that creates 28 Tables that are included in the Supplementary Information (LaTeX files paper/tables/tabels/grid*.tex).

* R/functions/calcOsterBounds.R
An R script that defines the R function calcOsterBounds() that calculates coefficient bounds using the method suggested by Oster (2019). This function is used by the R script R/FoodNutritionImpact.R.

* R/functions/calcSemiElaOrg.R
An R script that defines the R function calcSemiElaOrg() that calculates the semi-elasticity of various log-transformed or IHS-transformed variables with respect to the dummy variable for organic farming. This function is used by the R scripts R/FoodNutritionImpact.R and R/GridSearchFoodSecurity.R.

* R/functions/createFormula.R
An R script that defines the R function createFormula() that creates the regression formulas for the various empirical analyses that are presented in the paper. This function is used by the R scripts R/FoodNutritionImpact.R and R/GridSearchFoodSecurity.R.

* R/functions/functionsTables.R
An R script that defines various R functions that are used to create tables in LaTeX format. These functions are used by the R scripts R/FoodNutritionImpact.R and R/GridSearchFoodSecurity.R.

* R/functions/predR2.R
An R script that defines the R function predR2() that calculates the predictive R-squared value. This R script has been obtained from the replication package of the article:
Aïhounton, G. B. D. and Henningsen, A. (2021). Units of measurement and the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation. The Econometrics Journal, 24(2):334–351.
The function consists of a slightly modified version of the code that is available at: This function is used by the R script R/GridSearchFoodSecurity.R.

* paper/figures/*.pdf
12 LaTeX files that are the (sub)figures in Figures 1 and 2 of the paper ("Estimated conditional associations of organic farming with outcomes" and "Estimated conditional associations of organic farming with mediating outcomes"). These 12 files are created by the R script R/FoodNutritionImpact.R.

* paper/tables/DescriptiveStat.tex
A LaTeX file that creates Table 1 of the paper ("Descriptive statistics"). This file is created by the R script R/DescriptiveTab.R.

* paper/tables/estMainReg.tex
A LaTeX file that creates Table 2 of the paper ("OLS and IV regression results of the conditional associations between organic farming and outcomes"). This file is created by the R script R/FoodNutritionImpact.R.

* paper/tables/estMedReg.tex
A LaTeX file that creates Table 3 of the paper ("OLS and IV regression results of the conditional associations between organic farming and mediating outcomes"). This file is created by the R script R/FoodNutritionImpact.R.

* paper/tables/tabels/est*.tex
36 LaTeX files that create 36 tables that are included in the Supplementary Information and present detailed regression results. These 36 files are created by the R script R/FoodNutritionImpact.R.

* paper/tables/tabels/estProbit.tex
A LaTeX files that creates a table that is included in the Supplementary Information and presents the results of the first-stage probit regression. This file is created by the R script R/FoodNutritionImpact.R.

* paper/tables/tabels/estOLS*Falco.tex
6 LaTeX files that create 6 tables that are included in the Supplementary Information and present detailed regression results for testing the exogeneity of the instrument as suggested by Di Falco et al. (2011). These 6 files are created by the R script R/FoodNutritionImpact.R.

* paper/tables/tabels/Oster*.tex
2 LaTeX files that create 2 tables that are included in the Supplementary Information and present coefficient bounds obtined as suggested by Oster (2019). These 2 files are created by the R script R/FoodNutritionImpact.R.

* paper/tables/tabels/grid*.tex
28 LaTeX files that create 28 tables that are included in the Supplementary Information and present various indicators for assessing the appropriateness of different units of measurement of IHS-transformed variables as suggested by Aihounton and Henningsen (2021). These 28 files are created by the R script R/GridSearchFoodSecurity.R


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Is supplemented by
Working paper: (URL)
Journal article: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2024.1026227 (DOI)


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