Published March 29, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Sympathy Expressions in Political Rhetoric


This article discusses the linguistic intricacies of expressing sympathy and 
condolences within the political discourse. It examines how political figures utilize language 
to convey empathy, solidarity, and compassion in response to tragedies and crises. The study 
employs a discourse analysis approach to scrutinize speeches, statements, and social media 
communications of politicians in the aftermath of various global and national events. By 
analyzing the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects of these expressions, the article 
sheds light on the rhetorical strategies employed to evoke emotional responses, build 
political identity, and navigate the delicate balance between personal empathy and public 
responsibility. The findings reveal patterns of linguistic choices that reflect cultural, 
ideological, and contextual influences in the construction of sympathetic and condolatory 
messages in political discourse. The article contributes to the understanding of the role of 
language in shaping political communication and the impact of sympathetic expressions on 
public perception and political relations [1-3]



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