Published October 12, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.8 - MLOs Final Release

  • 1. ROR icon École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes
  • 1. Università di Bologna
  • 2. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)


OntoCommons aims at working toward interoperability by means of harmonization with respect to upper-level ontologies and facilitating agreement in domain ontology development. As part of the effort of work package 2, an objective of OntoCommons is to provide alignments among existing MLOs from different TLO branches. This task needs to perform several activities, such as identification of existing MLOs and corresponding disciplines that are to be covered by the alignment effort, the definition of the expected level of alignment that is to be performed for the MLOs and finding gaps in the disciplines which may be filled with new MLO development. In the 18th month of the project, D2.5 was published, describing the methodology, list of disciplines and MLOs considered and other technical details as a beta version of the MLOs. In the following months, the actual development were advanced resulting in several tangible outcomes. These outcomes are currently being served by GitHub repository. Considering these results as the primary content of the deliverable 2.8 and the theoretical part of MLO development strategy already defined as part of D2.5, this report only serves only as a short descriptions of the artefacts produced by 2.5 in terms of MLO harmonisation and how to access them for practical purposes.



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OntoCommons – Ontology-driven data documentation for Industry Commons 958371
European Commission