Published March 28, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

[NGC3079 / UGC5101] SAUNAS: I. Searching for low surface brightness X-ray emission with Chandra/ACIS

  • 1. NASA Ames Research Center
  • 1. ROR icon Ames Research Center
  • 2. NASA Ames Reseach Center
  • 3. NASA Ames Research Center
  • 4. ROR icon Space Telescope Science Institute
  • 5. ROR icon Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
  • 6. ROR icon Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • 7. ROR icon Center for Astrophysics Harvard & Smithsonian


The contained FITS files represent the processed Chandra/ACIS X-ray surface brightness maps of the NGC3079 and UGC5101 galaxies, observed with Chandra/ACIS and analyzed with the SAUNAS pipeline as described in Borlaff et al. 2024 (in revision). All the images have the photometric calibrations (in units of photons cm-2 s-1 pixel-1) and have been astrometrically aligned. 

Each file contains four FITS extensions as detailed below: 
EXTENSION NAME           TYPE              SIZE               DETAILS               
0      INFO                         no-data         0                      BLANK EXTENSION.
1      SB_FLUX                  float64         512x512           X-RAY SURFACE BRIGHTNESS MAP. [photons cm-2 s-1 pixel-1]
2      STD_SB_FLUX        float64         512x512           X-RAY SURFACE BRIGHTNESS NOISE MAP [photons cm-2 s-1 pixel-1]
3      SNR                         float64         512x512           SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO [ - ]
Use the SNR extension (extension #3) to determine if your source of interest in the SB_FLUX map (extension #1) is statistically significant over the background limit.


Files (26.3 MB)

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22-ADAP22-0118 NNH22ZDA001N
National Aeronautics and Space Administration