Published March 26, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Higiena werbalna w kontekście międzynarodowym – grzeczność językowa w nauczaniu i uczeniu się chińskich studentów uczących się języka polskiego jako obcego


  • 1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński


Verbal hygiene in the international context – linguistic politeness in teaching and learning for Chinese students learning Polish as a foreign language

In the paper titled Verbal hygiene in the international context – linguistic politeness in teaching and learning for Chinese students learning Polish as a foreign language Duola Long proposes an analysis of the difficulties and problems frequently encountered by Chinese students learning Polish as a foreign language at both basic and intermediate levels in acquiring contemporary Polish linguistic politeness, both in speaking and writing. In recent years, Polish studies in China have been developing rapidly, and as a result, more and more Chinese people are starting to learn the Polish language and culture. However, mastering the rules of Polish politeness is not easy for Chinese students, as they differ significantly from those in Chinese. Linguistic politeness, as one of the most important means of establishing and maintaining contact with others, is equally important in both Chinese and Polish cultures. The aim of this work is to draw attention to the topic, which has not been given much importance in the field of Polish language teaching. At the beginning, the author discusses the close relationship between the concept of verbal hygiene, introduced by American linguist Deborah Cameron, and linguistic politeness, which allows for further interpretation of the differences and similarities between Polish and Chinese linguistic etiquette, both at the language and cultural levels. The results are based on partially structured interviews with six Chinese students learning Polish as a foreign language and six Polish students learning Chinese as a foreign language at the A1, A2, and B1 language proficiency levels. To explain the discussed similarities and differences in linguistic phenomena related to politeness in contemporary Polish and Chinese languages, representative examples are provided from the experiences of Chinese and Polish respondents and from other works discussing Chinese and Polish linguistic politeness. At the end of the work, the author proposes didactic strategies in response to the mentioned problems of Chinese learners to facilitate the teaching and learning process of Polish linguistic etiquette for both lecturers and students themselves.


Duola Long, Higiena werbalna w kontekście międzynarodowym – grzeczność językowa w nauczaniu i uczeniu się chińskich studentów uczących się języka polskiego jako obcego.pdf