Published December 5, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Business Contact as a Determinant of Socio- Communicative Competence of Student Youth

  • 1. Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, SHEE «Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda»



In the article the scientific positions on the development of business contactness as the leading psychological determinant of social and communicative competency of the students’ youth are theoretically substantiated. Meaningful constructs and features of activating the subject's ability to business contactness are determined. Psycho diagnostic complex of methods for studying the structural components of person’s business contactness is proposed. The actual indicators and levels of the development of peculiarities of business contactness manifestation under leading activities (professional training) are clarified empirically. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of speech-communicative skills that produce the students' ability to business contactness and constructive interaction is done, in particular, by method of respondent’s self-examination are found communicative abilities of «the image of professional»; the level of communicative and organizational inclinations development is studied; the degree of social contactness and sociability manifestation is analyzed; the level of needs and motivational basis for communication is clarified; the ability to interact effectively and work productively in the team is studied. The future prospects for research the development of ability of the future specialist to business contact are outlined.


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