Models of globular clusters with multiple stellar populations performed with MOCCA code (MOCCA-SURVEY)
Models of globular clusters with multiple stellar populations performed with MOCCA code (
Survey5.dat file consists of 87 columns which combine selected initial parameters of the MOCCA models, and selected properties which the models have around 12 Gyr (or close to the time of their dissolution). The file contains parameters for the total 351 models which constitute a part of so-called MOCCA-SURVEY. The columns in the file have the following meaning:
tbid - internal database table ID storing this table
dsid - ID of a MOCCA simulation
dsid8 - Eight first characters of the ID of the MOCCA simulation (dsid)
path - path on the disk to the MOCCA simulation
tphys - lifetime of the MOCCA simulation with at least 10% of the initial mass still present in the simulation [Myr]
tphysMax - maximum lifetime of the MOCCA simulation [Myr]
smt - mass of the simulation at tphys time [MSun]
sbhm - mass of all BHs at tphys time [MSun]
ssbhm - mass of BHs in binaries at tphys time [MSun]
bhmax - maximum mass of BH at tphys time [MSun]
pop1oc - number of objects (single or binary) from population 1 at tphys time
pop2oc - number of objects (single or binary) from population 2 at tphys time
nt - number of all objects at tphys time
nbb - number of binaries at tphys time
rh - half-mass radius at tphys time [pc]
rh1 - half-mass radius from population 1 at tphys time [pc]
rh2 - half-mass radius from population 2 at tphys time [pc]
rtid - tital radius at tphys time [pc]
kbh - number of all single BH at tphys time
kbh2 - number of binaries with BHs at tphys time
kns - number of all single NS at tphys time
kns2 - number of binaries with NS at tphys time
kwd - number of all single WD at tphys time
kwd2 - number of binaries with WD at tphys time
r1 - 1% Lagrangian radius at tphys time [pc]
rc - core radius at tphys time [pc]
rchut2 - core radius in pc according Casertano & Hut (density^2 weighted)
rcob - observational core radius at tphys time [pc]
r10 - 10% Lagrangian radius at tphys time [pc]
rhob - half-radius at tphys time [pc]
r70 - 70% Lagrangian radius at tphys time [pc]
xrc - mass within rc [MSun]
vc - central velocity dispersion in km/s (mass weighted)
vcn - central velocity in km/s (not mass weighted)
roc - central mass density in Msun/pc^3
rohut - central density in pc according Casertano & Hut in Msun/pc^3"
u1 - central potential (scaled to (km/s)^2)
smsm - maximum mass of single ms stars in Msun
ssmsm - maximum mass of ms stars in binaries in Msun
a1p - average mass in Msun inside 1% lagrangian radius [MSun]
a10p - average mass in Msun inside 10% lagrangian radius [MSun]
a50p - average mass in Msun inside 50% lagrangian radius [MSun]
a70p - average mass in Msun inside 70% lagrangian radius [MSun]
atot - average mass in Msun inside 100% lagrangian radius [MSun]
irc - number of objects in the core (rc)
nescst - total number of escapers
escns - total number of ns escaped from the system
ncoll - total number of stellar collisions
nb3fin - total number of interactions between three-body binaries and field stars
nb3b3 - total number of binary-binary interactions
nescb3 - total number of escaped binaries due to interactions
nesb3s - total number of star escapers because of interactions
ndist3 - total number of dissolved binaries in binary-single interactions
ndist4 - total number of dissolved binaries in binary-binary interactions
nmerg3 - total number of merged binaries in binary-single interactions. REMARK: look at variables nmergbs, and nmergbb too
nmerg4 - total number of merged binaries in binary-binary interactions. REMARK: look at variables nmergbs, and nmergbb too
nmerge - total number of merged binaries due to stellar evolution
thspitzer - spitzer half-mass relaxation time in Myr
smt0 - initial mass of the simulation [MSun]
rh0 - initial half-mass radius [pc]
rtid0 - initial tidal radius [pc]
r50pop10 - initial half-mass radius of the population 1 [pc]
r50pop20 - initial half-mass radius of the population 2 [pc]
moccaid - internal, unique identifier of the MOCCA simulation
n_1 - initial number of objects of the population 1
n_2 - initial number of objects of the population 2
evol - 1 stellar evolution on, 0 off
xtaustep - timestep determination for MOCCA simulation; < 0.0 means automatic
fbfacmax - kick determination for the most massive stars
tdelay - delay time before population 2 formation
adis_1 - semi-major axis distribution for population 1
adis_2 - semi-major axis distribution for population 2
leveld - stellar evolution level of implementation (see Kamlah et al. 2021)
rbar0 - initial tidal radius [pc] (for the whole system)
fb1 - initial binary fraction for population 1
fb2 - initial binary fraction for population 2
w01 - initial Kind model parameter for population 1
w02 - initial Kind model parameter for population 2
mup1 - upper mass limit for population 1
mup2 - upper mass limit for population 2
rhmcl - initial half mass radius [pc] for the whole system
concpop - initial concentration parameter between population 2 and 1, defined as Rh_i/Rh1
zini1 - initial metallicity for population 1
zini2 - initial metallicity for population 2
pop1oc0 - initial number of population 1 objects (single and binaries)
pop2oc0 - initial number of population 2 objects (single and binaries)
survey - internal survey ID for simulations
The files inter-binbin.dat, profile_3.dat, profile.dat, snapshot.dat, inter-sinevol.dat, profile_2.dat, profile_1.dat, system.dat, escape.dat, initmodel.dat, inter-coll.dat, inter-binevol.dat, inter-binsin.dat, kick.dat, lagrangi.dat, inter-binform.dat are the files coming from one selected MOCCA simulation (n_1 = 400k for population 1, n_2 = 200k for population 2). These files contain only the first 1000 rows but with full description of all columns in the beginning. Because of the sizes it is not possible to upload full content of the files.
This research has been partially financed by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) grant 2021/41/B/ST9/01191, 2021/43/P/ST9/03167, European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 945339, and NSF grant AST-2009193.
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Additional details
- Repository URL
- Programming language
- Fortran
- Development Status
- Active