A map selection of wigeon stopover sites (core areas) based on wetland expert knowledge
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Stopover areas (core areas only) along the migration route of wigeons tracked with GPS transmitters were selected when they exhibited forests on more than 50% of their total surface or had less than 50% cover by water and/or wetland on the ESA’s global land cover map. We created a sample of 5,630 regions of interest (3,403 for training and 2,227 for validation), delineated with polygons assigned to land classes listed in the Table 1. We used archives of Google Earth, ESRI, and BING satellites for the photointerpretation of the land classes as described in Table 1. The classification was performed with a Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-2A image collection in Google Earth Engine (GEE) through the R-package Rgee to create a batch process applying the GEE Random forest classifier to each selected core home range. The cloudless (maximum 3%) images were selected within the period from 01/06/2021 to 30/09/2021. The optimal number of trees was estimated at 100 for an out of bag error of 14%. The overall accuracy on the validation sample was 82 %.
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