Goeldia leechi
- 1. Laboratório de Genômica Evolutiva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Genética, Evolução, Microbiologia e Imunologia, Cidade Universitária " Zeferino Vaz " Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, 13083 - 970 - Campinas, SP, Brazil.
- 2. Laboratório de Genômica Evolutiva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Genética, Evolução, Microbiologia e Imunologia, Cidade Universitária " Zeferino Vaz " Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, 13083 - 970 - Campinas, SP, Brazil. & Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas-LCZ, Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brazil, 1500, 05503 - 900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil & Laboratório de Genômica Evolutiva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Genética, Evolução, Microbiologia e Imunologia, Cidade Universitária " Zeferino Vaz " Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, 13083 - 970 - Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Goeldia leechi nomen nov.
(Figs 2–6, 26)
Goeldia obscura Keyserling, 1891:45, pl. 1, fig. 15 (Holotype ♂ from state of the Espírito Santo (20°16’0”S 40°17’0”W), Brazil, E. Goeldi coll., deposited at NHM, examined); Lehtinen 1967 (secondary homonym of Goeldia obscura (Keyserling, 1878); Leech 1972: 103, figs 189‒190; World Spider Catalog 2023 (misinterpreted as Goeldia obscura (Keyserling, 1878))
Amaurobius patellaris Simon, 1892: 434, pl. 9, fig. 8. Lehtinen 1967: 236. Syn. rejected.
Additional material examined. BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre (30°01’58”S 51°13’48”W), 1♂, 28.XI.1977. N. Silva coll. (MCN 7697); Canela (29°21’57”S 50°48’57”W), 1♀, 03.II.1967, A. A. Lise coll. (MCN 19631); Xangri-lá (29°48’03”S 50°02’38”W), 2♂, 07.XII.1986 (MCN 16089); same data, 1♂, 9.II.1996, A. A. Lise coll. (MCTP 9556); same data, 1♂, 17.I.1987 A. A. Lise coll. (MCN 16648); same data 1♂, 4♀, 9.IX.1986, A. Lise (MCN16009); same data, 1♂, 3♀, 3 juv., 23.XI.1985, A. Lise (MCN 16073); same data, 1♂, 17.I.1987, A. Lise (MCN 16648); same data, 1♂, 19.II.1986, A. Lise, (MCN 14335). BOLÍVIA, La Paz (16°29’39”S 68°8’51”W), 1♀, III.1974, C. Cesari coll. (MACN 16112). CHILE. Atacama: Huasco (28°27’59”S 71°13’9”W), 25 Km to Huasco River, elev. 170m, 2♀, 2imm., P. Goloboff & K. Catley coll. (AMNH); Between El transito and Pinte (28°58’45”S 70°16’56”W), elev. 1100–1600 m, 1♀, 25–27.X.1980, L. E. Pena coll. (AMNH). Coquimbo: Choapa (31°40’00”S 71°00’00”W), 35.2 km N of Los Vilos, 2♀, 1♂, 13.XII.1950, Ross & Michaelbacher coll. (CAS 9021124, 9021095, 9025056); Illapel, (31°37’00”S 71°09’00”W), Hacienda Illapel, elev. 6–900 m, 2♂, 1♀, 19.X.1966, Schlinger, Irwin & Peña coll. (CAS 9025963); Los Vilos (31°54’00”S 71°31’00”W), 1♀, 30.V.1978, R. Gutierrex coll. (AMNH); Los Vilos (31°54’00”S 71°31’00”W), Cariloleu, 1♀, 11.X.1994, L. E. Peña coll. (AMNH); 10 Km S Los Vilos (31°54’00”S 71°31’00”W), 1♂, I.1984, P. Goloboff (MACN 16030); Elqui, La Herradura (29°58’59”S 71°22’00”W), elev. 80 m, 3♀, 1♂, 3.X.1992, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff & K. Catley coll. (AMNH); Elqui, Marquesa (29°58’00”S 71°W), 1♀, 10.I.2006 (LEULS); El Molle (29°58’00”S 70°58’00”W), 1♀, 1♂, 3 juv., 13.VIII.2004, URA or C. Saavedra coll. (LEULS); Diaguitas, 2♀, 1 juv., 2008 (LEULS); LAME de Peñuelas, 6 km S of La Serena (29°54’28”S 71°15’15”W), 1♀, 26.IV.1961, A. F. Archer coll. (AMNH); 5 km NE Guayacán (29°58’00”S 71°22’00”W), elev. 1035m, 1♀, 16.I.1985, N. Platnick & O. F. Francke coll. (AMNH). Valparaíso: Petorca, Zapallar (32°33'17.53"S 71°27'17.03"W), 27.XI.1950, E. Ross & A. Michelbacher, 1♂ 1♀ (CAS 9021316; SEM and light micrographs); Petorca, Zapallar, Aconcagua (32°39’11”S 70°0’43”W), 1♀, 3imm., 27.XI.1950 (CAS 9025965); 2 Km N of Zapallar (32°32’00”S 71°28’00”W), elev. 23 m, 2♀, 1♂, 3imm., 9.I.1985, N. Platnick & O. F. Francke coll. (AMNH); Petorca, Quebrada Huaquén, Pichicuy (32°20’31”S 71°27’06”W), 2♂, 1imm. 7.I.1984, P. Goloboff & E. Maury coll. (MACN 16052); Quillota, Quillota (32°52’S 71°15’W), 1♂, 3♀ I.1979, A. Tobar coll. (AMNH); 6 Km Nogales (32°43’00”S 71°14’00”W), elev. 275m, 2♀, 7.XI.1981, N. Platnick & R. T. Schuh coll. (AMNH); Quilpué, Marga Marga River (33°01’14”S 71°33’41”W), near Los Perales, elev. 15m, 11♀, 2♂, 6imm., 13.I.1985, N. Platnick & O. F. Francke coll. (AMNH); San Antonio, Quebrada de Cordova 5 Km E of El Tabo (33°27’00”S 71°40’00”W), elev. 80 m, 4♀, 6.II.1992, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff & M. Ramírez coll. (AMNH); Quebrada de Cordova, 5 Km E of El Tabo (33°27’00”S 71°40’00”W), elev. 80m; 1♀, 6.III.1992, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff & M. Ramírez coll. (AMNH); Chaparral, 1 Km E of Maitencillo (32°40’00”S 71°27’W), elev. 8 m, 1♀, 10.I.1985, N. Platnick & O. F. Francke coll. (AMNH); 11 Km E of Quintero (32°47’00”S 71°32’00”W), elev. 8 m, 4♀, 1imm., 10.I.1985, N. Platnick & O. F. Francke coll. (AMNH); Los Andes, Guardia Vieja (32°54’S 70°16’59”W), elev. 1609 m, 1♀, I.1984, P. Goloboff coll. (MACN 16125). Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Chacabuco, Lampa (33°17’00”S 70°54’00”W), 1♀, IV–V.1979, L. E. Peña coll. (AMNH); Cuesta Chacabuco (32°57’S 70°48’W), elev. 1100 m, 2♂, 3imm., 18.IX.1966, E. I Schlinger coll. (CAS 9025966); Cuesta Chacabucu (32°57’S 70°48’W), 4♀, 7imm., 14.I.1985, N. Platnick & O. F. Francke coll. (AMNH); Cuesta La Dormida, N of Tiltil (33°05’00”S 70°56’00”W), elev. 800–1300 m, 1♂, 13–18.XI.1982, L. E. Peña coll. (AMNH); Santiago, La Rinconada (32°50’00”S 70°42’00”W), 1♀, IX.1966 (CAS 9025959); Santiago, 1♂, I.1958, M. Toro coll. (MACN 16079); El Canelo (33°35’S 70°27’W), 1♂, 9.I.1967, M. E. Irwin coll. (CAS 9025961); El Canelo (33°28’59”S 71°22’00”W), elev. 800–1000 m, 4♀, 1♂, L. Peña coll. (AMNH); Quilicura (33°22’00”S 70°45’00”W), 1♂, X.1979, L. E. Peña coll. (AMNH); 1♂, 2♀, 12imm., VIII.1979, L. E. Peña coll. (AMNH); 1♀, IV–V.1979, L. E. Peña coll. (AMNH); 1♀, VIII–IX.1979, L. E. Peña coll. (AMNH). Maule: Talca, UCB Curico, Cajon de Rio Claro, SE of los Queñes (35°01’00”S 70°48’W), 1♂, 9.X.1966, E. I. Schlinger coll. (AMNH); Cauquenes (35°58’00”S 72°21’00”W), Tregualemu, 1 ♀, 24.I.1976, G. Moreno coll. (AMNH). Bío-Bío: Bío-Bío, El Abanico (37°19’59”S 71°31’00”W), elev. 760–975 m, 3♂, 2♀, 20–21.XI.1981, N. Platnick & R.T. Schuh coll. (AMNH); N of Ralco / Trapa-Trapa (38°01’59”S 71°19’59”W), elev. 600 m, 2♂, 4♀, 14imm., 21–22.XI.1994, L. E. Peña coll. (AMNH); Ñuble, Chillán (36°36’00”S 72°07’00”W), Cuesta de Quilmo, 1♀, 13.XI.1976, G. Moreno coll. (AMNH); 13 Km E of San Fabián de Alicio (36°33’S 71°33’W), elev. 550 m, 1♀, 19.I.1985, N. Platnick & O. F. Francke coll. (AMNH); 8 Km of San Fabián de Alicio (36°33’S 71°33’W), elev. 320 m, 1♂, 3♀, 3 imm., 19.I.1985, N. Platnick & O. F. Francke coll. (AMNH); 40 Km E of San Carlos (36°25’00”S 71°58’00”W), 1♂, 23.XII.1950, Ross & Michelbacher coll. (CAS 9025970); Araucanía: Malleco: 18 Km W of Angol, Cordilheira de Nahuelbuta (38°48’S 72°42’W), 1♀, 10.II.1967, E. I. Schlinger coll. (CAS 9025950). ARGENTINA. Corrientes: San Cayetano, Estación Biológica de Corrientes (27°30’07.6”S 58°40’48.5”W), elev. 76 m, 5–10.XI.2007, C. Grismado, L. Piacentini, M. Izquierdo, L. Compagnucci and J. Martinez coll. (MACN 13281). Salta: Santa Maria (22°08’00”S 62°49’00”W), 1♀, VII.1947, (MACN 2265); Córdoba: Córdoba (31°25’00”S 64°11’00”W), 3♀, II.1952, J. Viana coll. (MANC 16033); Leones (32°42’21”S 62°06’30”W), 2♀, 13.X.1946, Partridge W. coll. (MACN 16076); Córdoba, 1♂, no date, J. Viana coll. (MACN 16103); Calamuchita (31°59’00”S 64°22’00”W), 2♀, II.1952, J. M. Viana coll. (MACN 16033). Santa Fé: El Aleman, 1♂, X.1964, no coll. (MACN 16068). Entre Rios: Villa Paranacito (33°42’00”S 58°41’00”W), 1♀, II.1963, E. Dias coll. (MACN 16085). La Pampa: General Acha (37°23’00”S 64°36’00”W), 1♂, XI.1982, M. Ramírez & D’Angelo coll. (MACN 16133). Buenos Aires: Sierra de la Ventana (38°09’S 61°48’W), Cerro Negro, 1♀, 12.IV.1974, C. Cesari coll. (MACN 16067); Chascomús (35°34’30”S 58°00’32”W), 1♀, I.1962, M.E. Galiano coll. (MACN 16087); Buenos Aires (36°09’26”S 60°34’11”W), Ruta 3 Km 51, 1♀, no date, J. A. Garcia coll. (MACN 16063); Ruta Nacional 51 (24°50’20.56”S 65°28’34.56”W), 1♀, XI.1969, J.A. Garcia coll. (MACN 16084); Tornquist (38°06’00”S 62°14’00”W), Estancia Fortín Chaco, 2♀, I.1972, J. Arias coll. (MACN 16065).
Remarks. The drawings of the type-specimen deposited at NHM presented by Leech (1972: figs 189, 190), actually refer to the type of Goeldia obscura Keyserling, 1891 (Leech (1972: 103), penultimate paragraph and personal communication). However, this information was misinterpreted as if the specimen depicted was the first male of Goeldia obscura (Keyserling, 1878) since at that point, G. obscura Keyserling 1891 was considered a junior synonym of G. patellaris (Simon, 1892), see more under G. patellaris description. Regarding Goeldia patellaris, its syntypes are not conspecific with G. obscura Keyserling, 1891 and are removed from the synonymy.
The only specimen collected from the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo is the type specimen and there is no other record from this locality or nearby areas. Thus, we suspect that the type locality of this species could be wrong. Even though the type locality may be wrong, we make no changes but raise a red flag for future studies.
Etymology. The new name is an honor in memorium of Robin Leech, arachnologist and entomologist who contributed to the study of Titanoecidae spiders.
Diagnosis. Goeldia leechi nomen nov. differs from other species by the male palp with patellar apophysis posteriorly projected, longer than patella length and with a small terminal constriction near its apex (Figs 3B–C; 4A–B), tegular process narrow near its base and broad and slightly curved at the apex (Figs 3A–B; 4A–F); female epigynum with reduced and depressed median field, with posterior edge concave (Figs 3E; 5A); copulatory ducts long and slender, with base fully visible at the copulatory opening (Figs 3E–F; 5B–D) and two spermathecae with girth similar to copulatory ducts (Figs 3F; 5B–D).
Description. Male (MNHN 294). Coloration: carapace and chelicerae dark brown; endites, sternum and femora brown except femur I dark brown; other leg segments yellowish brown (Fig. 4G–I). Total length: 4.70. Carapace: length 2.15, width 1.90, height 1.20. Opisthosoma: length 2.55, width 1.70. Clypeus: height 0.20. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.08; ALE 0.08; PME 0.06; PLE 0.07; AME–AME 0.19; AME–ALE 0.12; PME–PME 0.12; PME–PLE 0.24; AME–PME 0.12; ALE–PLE 0.10. Chelicerae paturon: length 1.40. Leg measurements: I: femur 2.16/ patella 0.98/ tibia 1.67/ metatarsus 1.75/ tarsus 0.88/ total 7.44; II: 1.84/ 0.85/ 1.41/ 1.38/ 0.79/ 6.26; III: 1.6/ 0.76/ 1.25/ 1.23/ 0.7/ 5.55; IV: 1.97/ 0.82/ 1.62/ 1.56/ 0.68/ 6.65. Leg formula: 1423. Leg spination: femur I–II p1ap; tibia I v1p-2-0-2; III r1ap, p1ap, v1sa; IV v0-2-2, r1ap; metatarsus I v0-0-2, r1ap; II v1map, r1ap, p1ap; III v2-2-1ap, r0-1-2ap, p0-1-2ap; IV v2-1p-2-1map, p0-2-2, r0-0-1ap. Distally curved setae on, tibia, patella and metatarsus of legs I and II. Palpal cymbium without modified setae. Apex of MLT sclerotized at base and membranous at distal end (Fig. 3B–D). Spermatic duct bent 180º over its own axis (Figs 3B; 4E–F). Spinning organs (Fig. 6A–L) as in generic description.
Female (AMNH). Coloration: carapace reddish brown with cephalic area darker; labium, endites and chelicerae dark brown; abdomen brown; legs yellowish-brown except femur I reddish brown. Total length: 5.56. Carapace: length 2.50, width 2.04, height 1.15. Opisthosoma: length 3.31, width 2.36. Clypeus: height 0.18. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06; ALE 0.09; PME 0.07; PLE 0.09; AME–AME 0.12; AME–ALE 0.15; PME–PME 0.19; PME–PLE 0.24; AME–PME 0.12; ALE–PLE 0.10. Chelicerae paturon: length 0.99. Leg measurements: I: femur 1.60/ patella 0.85/ tibia 1.42/ metatarsus 1.14/ tarsus 0.66/ total 5.67; II: 1.64/ 0.78/ 1.05/ 1.03/ 0.58/ 5.07; III: 1.38/ 0.75/ 0.88/ 1.02/ 0.52/ 4.55; IV: 1.63/ 0.8/ 1.4/ 1.07/ 0.53/ 5.43. Leg formula: 1423. Leg spination: femur I–II p1ap; tibia III r1ap, p1ap; metatarsus I–II: p1ap, r1ap, v1map; III r1ap, p0-1-1, v1ap; IV v1-2- 1m, p0-1-1, r1ap. Copulatory opening area wide, showing both walls of the copulatory duct (Figs 3E; 5A). Apex of the copulatory ducts dorsally bent (Figs 3F; 5B–D). Apex of vertical and horizontal spermathecae pointing ventrally (Figs 3F; 5B– D). Copulatory ducts, horizontal and vertical spermathecae slightly similar in length and girth (Fig. 3F). One giant pore present near the junction between vertical and horizontal spermathecae (Fig. 5D, E). Spermathecae covered by primary pores (Fig. 5F).
Variation. Length (10 ♂): total 4.60–6.00; carapace 2.20–2.60; femur I 1.80–2.40; (10 ♀): total 4.40–8.20; carapace 2.20–3.20; femur I 1.40–1.90.
Distribution. Bolívia, Brazil (Espírito Santo and Rio Grande do Sul), Chile and Argentina (Fig. 26).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1946-10-13 , 1950-11-27 , 1950-12-13 , 1950-12-23 , 1961-04-26 , 1966-09-18 , 1966-10-09 , 1966-10-19 , 1967-01-09 , 1967-02-03 , 1967-02-10 , 1974-04-12 , 1976-01-24 , 1976-11-13 , 1977-11-28 , 1978-05-30 , 1980-10-25 , 1981-11-07 , 1981-11-20 , 1982-11-13 , 1984-01-07 , 1985-01-09 , 1985-01-10 , 1985-01-13 , 1985-01-14 , 1985-01-16 , 1985-01-19 , 1985-11-23 , 1986-02-19 , 1986-09-09 , 1986-12-07 , 1987-01-17 , 1992-02-06 , 1992-03-06 , 1992-10-03 , 1994-10-11 , 1994-11-21 , 1996-02-09 , 2004-08-13 , 2006-01-10 , 2007-11-05
- Family
- Titanoecidae
- Genus
- Goeldia
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- CAS 9021124, 9021095, 9025056 , CAS 9021316, CAS 9025965 , CAS 9025950 , CAS 9025959 , CAS 9025961 , CAS 9025963 , CAS 9025966 , CAS 9025970 , MACN 13281 , MACN 16030 , MACN 16033 , MACN 16052 , MACN 16063 , MACN 16065 , MACN 16067 , MACN 16068 , MACN 16076 , MACN 16079 , MACN 16084 , MACN 16085 , MACN 16087 , MACN 16103 , MACN 16112 , MACN 16125 , MACN 16133 , MACN 2265 , MANC 16033 , MCN 14335 , MCN 16073 , MCN 16089 , MCN 16648 , MCN 19631 , MCN 7697 , MCN16009 , MCTP 9556
- Order
- Araneae
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Species
- leechi
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 1946-10-13 , 1950-11-27 , 1950-12-13 , 1950-12-23 , 1961-04-26 , 1966-09-18 , 1966-10-09 , 1966-10-19 , 1967-01-09 , 1967-02-03 , 1967-02-10 , 1974-04-12 , 1976-01-24 , 1976-11-13 , 1977-11-28 , 1978-05-30 , 1980-10-25/27 , 1981-11-07 , 1981-11-20/21 , 1982-11-13/18 , 1984-01-07 , 1985-01-09 , 1985-01-10 , 1985-01-13 , 1985-01-14 , 1985-01-16 , 1985-01-19 , 1985-11-23 , 1986-02-19 , 1986-09-09 , 1986-12-07 , 1987-01-17 , 1992-02-06 , 1992-03-06 , 1992-10-03 , 1994-10-11 , 1994-11-21/22 , 1996-02-09 , 2004-08-13 , 2006-01-10 , 2007-11-05/10
- Keyserling, E. (1891) Die Spinnen Amerikas. Brasilianische. Spinnen. Vol. 3. Verlag von Bauer & Raspe (E. Kuster), Nurnberg, 278 pp.
- Lehtinen, P. T. (1967) Classification of the Cribellate spiders and some allied families, with notes on the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 4 (3), 199 - 468.
- Keyserling, E. (1878) Spinnen aus Uruguay und einigen anderen Gegenden Amerikas. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 27, 571 - 624.
- Leech, R. E. (1972) A revision of the Nearctic Amaurobiidae (Arachnida: Araneida). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 84, 1 - 182. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / entm 10484 fv
- World Spider Catalog (2023) World Spider Catalog. Version 24. Natural History Museum Bern, Bern. Available from: http: // wsc. nmbe. ch (accessed 19 December 2023) https: // doi. org / 10.24436 / 2
- Simon, E. (1892) Histoire naturelle des araignees. Vol. 1. Roret, Paris, 256 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 51973