Published January 2, 1992 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open


  • 1. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.



Syn: Pungentoides Altherr, 1950 Paramonovia Eliava, 1973. (Fig. 61)

Diagnosis: Small- to medium-sized nematodes (0.6-3.8 mm). Lip region usually set-off from body; lips angular and labial papillae raised. Four cuticularised platelets surround entrance to stoma. Amphids usually with stirrup-shaped fovea and slit-like aperture. Odontostyle small to long, with distinct dorsal aperture, rarely slightly concave dorsally. Guiding ring ' double' Odontophore rod-like. Junction of odontophore and oesophageal lumen surrounded by conspicuous muscles. Basal expanded part of oesophagus occupying less than one-half oesophageal length. Cardia hemispherical or elongate, cardiac disc may be present. Vulva transverse. Female reproductive system mono-opisthodelphic, rarely amphidelphic. Males with arcuate spicules, lateral guiding pieces and series of spaced ventromedian supplements. Tail short, hemispherical, rarely clavate or elongate-conoid; similar in sexes.

Type species: Pungentus pungens Thorne and Swanger, 1936.

Other species:

P. alpinus Vinciguerra and Giannetto, 1987 P. angulatus Jairajpuri and Baqri, 1966 P. angulosus Thorne, 1939 P. brevidentatus Thorne, 1939 P. clavatus Ahmad and Jairajpuri, 1979 P. crassus Thorne, 1974 P. drepanoideus Eroshenko, 1976 P. engadinensis (Altherr, 1950) Altherr, 1952

Syn.: Dorylaimus (Pungentoides) engadinensis Altherr, 1950

Pungentoides engadinensis (Altherr, 1950) Altherr, 1952 P. gracilis Eroshenko, 1976 P. granosus Eroshenko, 1976

Syn.: Pungentus silvestris Eroshenko, 1976

P. juglensi Mahajan, 1972

P. mahunkai Andrássy, 1968

P. maorium Clark, 1963

P. marietani Altherr, 1950

P. microdentatus Thorne, 1939

P. monohystera Thorne and Swanger, 1936

P. obscurus Thorne, 1939

P. orthocephalus Eroshenko, 1976

P. parvus Thorne, 1939

P. porosus Ebsary, 1983

P. pumilus Andrássy, 1963 Syn.: Pungentus medianus Eroshenko, 1976

P. silvestris (De Man, 1912) Coomans and Geraert, 1962 Syn.: Dorylaimus silvestris De Man, 1912 Eudorylaimus silvestris (De Man, 1912) Andrássy, 1959 ı Paramonovia silvestris (De Man, 1912) Eliava, 1973 Pungentus thornei Goodey, 1943

P. sparsus Thorne, 1939

P. sublatum Eroshenko, 1976

P. textilis (Thorne and Swanger, 1936) Thorne, 1939 Syn.: Dorylaimus textilis Thorne and Swanger, 1936 Pungentus vesiculosus Eroshenko, 1976

Note: Ahmad and Jairajpuri (1979a) have provided a key to the species of Pungentus.


Published as part of Jairajpuri, M. Shamim & Ahmad, Wasim, 1992, GENUS PUNGENTUS THORNE AND SWANGER, 1936, pp. 176-207 in DORYLAIMIDA Free-living, Predaceous and Plant-parasitic Nematodes, E. J. Brill on pages 181-183, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10850162


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Pungentus AND, 1936 sec. Jairajpuri & Ahmad, 1992


  • Altherr, E. (1950). Les nematodes du Parc National Suisse (Nematodes ubres du sol). Ergebn. wiss. Unlers. Schweiz. Nat. Parks, n. s. 3 (22), 1 - 46.
  • Eliava, I. Ya. (1973). On the taxonomy of family Qudsianematidae (Jairajpuri, 1965) Siddidi, 1969 (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea). Parazitologicheskii Sbornik. Tbilisi, No. 3, 164 - 167.
  • Thorne, G. and Swanger, Helen H. (1936). A monograph of the nematode genera Dorylaimus Dujardin, Aporcelaimus n. g., Dorylaimoides n. g. and Pungentus n. g. Captta Zool. 6, 223 pp.
  • Jairajpuri, M. S. and Baqri, Q. H. (1966). Seclonema procta n. sp. and Pungentus angulatus n. sp., two new soil inhabiting nematodes. Nematologica 12, 396 - 420.
  • Thorne, G. (1939). A monograph of the nematodes of the superfamily Dorylaimotdea. Capita Zool. 8, 1 - 261.
  • Jairajpuri, M. S., Ahmad, I. and Ahmad, M. (1979). Record of an intersex ofAquatides thornei with remarks on the phenomenon of intersexuality in nematodes. Indian J. Nematol. 7 (1977), 176 - 182.
  • Thorne, G. (1974). Nematodes of the Northern Great Plains. Part II. Dorylaimoidea in part (Nematoda: Adenophorea). Tech. Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta. South Dakota State. Univ. 41, 120 pp.
  • Eroshenko, A. S. (1976). New species of Pungentus (Dorylaimidae) from the forests of Primorsk Territory. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55 (10), 1445 - 1454.
  • Altherr, E. (1952). Les nematodes du Parc National Suisse. 2. Ergebn. wiss. Unlers. Schweiz. Nat. Parks, n. s. 3 (26), 315 - 356.
  • Goodey, J. B. and Hooper, D. J. (1963). The nerve ring of Longidurus and Xiphinema. Nematologica 9, 303 - 304.
  • Andrassy, l. (1968). Wissenshaftliche ergebnisse der ungarischen Zoologischen expenditionen nach tansanien, 12, Bodennematoden aus der III. expedition. Acta Zool., Hung. 14, 239 - 257.
  • Clark, W. C. (1963). New species of Dorylaimoid nematodes belonging to the genera Pungentus Thorne and Swanger, Aotinolaimus Cobb and Dorylaimellus Cobb. N. Z. J. Sci. 6, 565 - 576.
  • Andrassy, 1. (1963) Freilebende Nematoden aus Angola, 1. Einige moosbewohnende Nematoden. Publ. cull. C 0. Diam. Ang. Lisboa. 66, 55 - 80.
  • Coomans, A. and Geraert, E. (1962). Some species of Dorylaimoidea found in Belgium. 11 Monodelphic Dorylaiminae. Nematologlca 8, 233 - 241.
  • Andrassy, I. (1959). Taxonomische Ubersichi der Dorylaimen (Nematoda), 1. Acta Zool., Hung. 5, 191 - 240. H
  • Ahmad, M. and Jairajpuri, M. S. (1979 a). Nematodes of high altitude in India VIII. Pungenlus clavatus n. sp. with a key to the species of the genus Pungenlus (Nematoda: Dorylaimida). Revue Nemalol. 2, 185 - 189.