Published March 19, 2024 | Version 2
Dataset Open

Organic Matter, Geochemical, Visible Spectrocolorimetric Properties, Radiocesium Properties, and Grain Size of Potential Source Material, Target Sediment Core Layers and Laboratory Mixtures for Conducting Sediment Fingerprinting Approaches in the Mano Dam Reservoir (Hayama Lake) Catchment, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

  • 1. EDMO icon CEA, Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory
  • 2. ROR icon Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
  • 3. ROR icon National Institute for Environmental Studies
  • 4. ROR icon Institut d'écologie et des sciences de l'environnement de Paris
  • 5. ROR icon Sorbonne Université
  • 6. Institue of Environmental Radioactivity (IER), University of Fukushima, Fukushima, Japan
  • 7. ROR icon Kyoto Prefectural University
  • 8. Environmental Monitoring and Science Division, Alberta Environment and Parks, 3115-12 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • 9. Center for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan


The current dataset was compiled to study sediment fingerprintings practices, i.e tracer selection and contribution modelling. Organic matter, elemental geochemistry, visible difuse spectrocolorimetric properties, radiocesium properties, and grain size were analysed were analysed in potential source material that may supply sediment to coastal rivers, here the upper part of the Mano river, draining the main Fukushima radioactive pollution plume (Japan). Four potential soil source materials (n = 68) were considered: undecontaminated cropland (n = 24), as non-decontaminated soil before the application of local decontamination policies, remediated cropland (n = 10), as decontaminated soil after the application of local decontamination policies, forest soils (n = 24) and subsurface material originating from channel bank collapse or landslides (n = 10; referred to as subsoil). A sediment core was collected in the Mano Dam lake (Hayama lake) on the 6th June 2021 and was sectionned into 1-cm layers (n = 38). Laboratory mixtures (n = 27) were made to assess different contribution levels from the sources.

The current dataset comprises four .csv files including data and metadata information and their respective descriptions of variables. The data set is composed of soil samples, sediment core layer and laboratory mixtures. Laboratory mixtures were prepared to provide a dataset to calibrate/validate un-mixing models implemented to address this research question and analysed in the same conditions and using the same equipment as the source/target material.



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Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.10725788 (DOI)


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