Repetekiodes turanella Tsvetkov & Trofimova 2024, sp. nov.
- 1. Mechnikova 3 - 1 - 30, 195271, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 2. Samara National Research University, Moskovskoye shosse 34, 443086, Samara, Russia
Repetekiodes turanella sp. nov.
(Figs 5–7, 11–13, 15)
Type material. Holotype ♂. Kazakhstan: Mangistau Province, Kaundy Depression, N 42°56′, E 57°43′, 23.v.2016, leg. Shovkoon (prep. № 3995, T. Trofimova). Deposited in Zoological Institute St. Petersburg (ZIN).
Paratypes. Kazakhstan, Mangistau Province: 1 ♀, Dzhana-Aulie, Sengyrkum sands, N 43°47′, E 53°34′, 29.v.2009, leg. Trofimova & Shovkoon (A04-2010) (PBLEA194-11) (prep. № 3999, T. Trofimova) (CTT); 2 ♂, 1 ♀, 13 km S Akkuduk, Karynzharyk sands, N 42°57′, E 54°05′, 15–16.v.2016, leg. Shovkoon (prep. № 3996, 3997; T. Trofimova) (SSU); Kazakhstan, Almaty Province: 1 ♂, 150 km NE Alma-Ata, right bank of river Ili, Mynbulak, 21.v.1990, leg. Falkovitsh (prep. № 4092, T. Trofimova); 1 ♀, 150 km NE Alma-Ata, right bank of river Ili, Mynbulak, 28.v.1990, leg. Falkovitsh (prep. № 4048, T. Trofimova) (all ZIN); Uzbekistan, Bukhara Province: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 140 km NW Shafirkan, Zhamansay, 12.v.1966, leg. Falkovitsh (prep. № 185, 186; T. Trofimova); 2 ♂, Zhamansay, 12.v.1966, leg. Falkovitsh (all ZIN); Turkmenistan: 1 ♀, Tashkepri, 28.iv.1906, leg. Demokidov (prep. № 175, T. Trofimova); 2 ♀, Repetek, 1.v.1983, leg. Falkovitsh (all ZIN).
Description. Imago (Figs 5–7). Head. Labial palpi nearly 1.5 diameters of eye, pointed up, third segment also pointed up; second segment 1.5 times as long as first, third segment 3 times as short as second. Maxillary palpi small, not much extending beyond the edge of clypeus (reaching the second third of labial palpi). Antennae filiform, nearly 0.6 of forewing length; Scape elongate ovoid, nearly twice as long as wide; cilia very short (about ¼ of flagellomere diameter in males and much shorter in females). Frons slightly convex. Head covered with mixture of white, pale beige and brown scales. Labial palpi white from the inner side, maxillary palpi creamy-white; proboscis whitish with admixture of pale brown scales.
Thorax. Length of forewing 8–10 mm. Forewing elongate with termen/costa ratio of about 0.37; costal margin straight, slightly rounded at apex; termen evenly convex, hind margin straight, tornus rounded. Forewing ground colour grey with brownish tinge (dark brown, pale beige and white scales), white pattern usually more extensive in males. Antemedial brown line double: first line bold, slightly oblique, densely covered with raised whitish brown-tipped scales; second line serrate, angled outwards at veins A 1+2 and M 2. Two discal spots dark brown with pale beige or whitish area between them. Medial area with pale-beige blurred streaks along A 1+2, M 2 and R 4+5 veins.Postmedial line dark brown, serrate, deeply angled outwards at veins A 1+2 and M 2, angled inwards between veins A 1+2 and Cu 2 and also between M 1 and M 2. Submarginal area brownish with darker brown subcostal part. Marginal dotted dark brown line often unclear; fringes whitish with brown-tipped scales. Hindwing nearly triangulate, white or whitishbrown, marginal and subcostal areas brownish; fringes white. Thorax pale brown with droplets of brown scales.
Abdomen. Abdomen whitish ventrally and pale brown dorsally, decorated with white rings on segments posteriorly. In males, eighth tergum weakly sclerotised, subrectangular (Fig. 13); anterior margin with A-shaped sclerotisation medially extending to ⅓ length of tergum, posterior margin rounded with small triangular medial emargination. Eighth sternum short, anterior margin formed with two narrow sclerotised plates broadened in the middle of segment; two irregularly edged sclerotised plates present along lateral margins; posterior margin straight; culcita absent (Fig. 13).
Male genitalia (Figs 11–12). Uncus subtriangular with rounded apex; gnathos stout basally, narrowing distally, slightly upcurved at pointed apex. Branches of gnathos relatively broad and short, broadening to their ends. Transtilla moderately sclerotised on sides, showing elongate triangular plates. Juxta U-shaped with broadened apical lobes extending to transtilla base. Valva elongate, broadest in basal ⅓; cucullus gradually narrowing distally, moderately sclerotised, about ⅔ length of valva, widely rounded at apex; costal sclerite narrow, extending nearly to 3/4 length of costal edge of valva, slightly broadened basally and apically; apical part of sclerite bears small ventrocaudally directed angulate protrusion; clasper as short sclerotised process adjacent to costal sclerite and located after basal ⅓ of sclerite; sacculus well sclerotised, plate-like, distally broadened, occupies some less than ½ of ventral edge of valva. Vinculum subtrapezoidal, about 1.5 times as long as broad. Aedeagus as long as valva, cylindrical, stout, slightly narrowed distally; vesica with robust spine-like cornutus occupying almost 0.8 of aedeagus length.
Female genitalia (Fig. 15). Papillae anales acute, short and setose. Intersegmental membrane between papillae anales and eighth segment twice as short as the segment. Apophyses relatively long. Posterior apophyses nearly 1.7 times as long as anterior and extending to antrum. Anterior apophyses extending to corpus bursae. Antrum membranous, broad bowl-shaped. Ductus bursae membranous, narrowed posteriorly, widening with gradual transition to corpus bursae. Corpus bursae membranous with longitudinal folds, ovate, 2.5 times as long as ductus bursae. Ductus seminalis arising from posterior portion of corpus bursae.
Diagnosis. Externally, R. turanella resemble R. acervella, so examination of the genital structures is necessary for correct identification. The male genitalia similar to those of R. acervella, but differ by a comparatively narrower costal sclerite of the valva (nearly 2/3 of the cucullus width in R. acervella versus 2/ 5 in the described species) and also by a much smaller clasper (twice shorter than that in R. acervella). In R. serratalis sp. nov., and R. kuschkella the costal sclerite is not extended at the apex and is much narrower distally than in R. turanella sp. nov. Males of R. kraussi can be also separated from the males of R. turanella sp. nov. by the structure of the costal sclerite: in R. kraussi the sclerite is narrower distally and occupies the entire length of the valva. The females of R. turanella sp. nov. can be distinguished from the females of R. acervella and R. kuschkella by longer posterior and anterior apophyses (twice as long as in the two compared species). For differences from female of R. serratalis sp. nov., see under that species.
Etymology. The specific name is derived from the historical and biogeographical region “Turan”, which occupied the area where the species was collected.
Biology. Host plant is unknown. Adults were observed from late April to late May at the altitudes from 40 m lower sea level up to 300 m above. The series were collected in psammophytic semi-desert and desert areas.
Distribution. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.
Molecular data. (Table 1–2. Fig. 1). R. turanella sp. nov. is represented in the BOLD by a single specimen from Kazakhstan (DNA voucher PBLEA194-11, BIN BOLD: AAU5716). The close neighbour is R. acervella (BIN BOLD: AAU5717) with 3.53% p-distance of minimum nucleotide divergence.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1906-04-28 , 1966-05-12 , 1983-05-01 , 1990-05-21 , 1990-05-28 , 2009-05-29 , 2016-05-15 , 2016-05-23
- Family
- Pyralidae
- Genus
- Repetekiodes
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Lepidoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Tsvetkov & Trofimova
- Species
- turanella
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1906-04-28 , 1966-05-12 , 1983-05-01 , 1990-05-21 , 1990-05-28 , 2009-05-29 , 2016-05-15/16 , 2016-05-23
- Taxonomic concept label
- Repetekiodes turanella Tsvetkov & Trofimova, 2024