In Silico Human Ventricular Fibrillation (InSiFib) dataset
The In Silico Human Ventricular Fibrillation (InSiFib) dataset comprehends:
- A set of tools for the analysis of clinical or simulated ventricular fibrillation ECGs.
- A simulation framework to conduct human-based in silico experiments of ventricular simulation based on the software MonoAlg3D.
The content is organised as follows:
1) contains MATLAB tools for the analysis of clinical and simulated ECGs during VF episodes.
The following markers are quantified: dominant frequency (DF), amplitude spectrum area (AMSA) and median slope (MS). Additionally, a set of simulated ECGs are included as images and raw data.
2) contains one sample simulation output. The biventricular model includes an anteroseptal acutely ischemic region. The simulation is 18 seconds long and represents a VF episode: fast sinus rhythm leads to reentry, spiral breakup, early VF and late VF. Results contain potential maps for each timeframe simulated (.case files, Paraview) and simulated ECGs (.txt files, MATLAB), and are organised in folders according to the time window simulated:
a) 0-850 ms. Anteroseptal ischemia, mild ischemia in remote myocardium.
b) 850-5950 ms. Anteroseptal ischemia, mild ischemia in remote myocardium. Accelerating sinus rhythm leading to reentry and spiral breakup.
c) 5950-12000 ms. Anteroseptal ischemia, mild ischemia in remote myocardium. Early VF.
d) 12000-18000 ms. Global moderate ischemia. Late VF.
3) contains different versions of a human ventricular mesh obtained from Diffusion Tensor Imaging reproducing different ischemic conditions (LAD, RCA, LCX occlusion, transmural and subendocardial ischemia, no ischemia).
4) contains the cellular models (including acute ischemia conditions), scripts and submission files to conduct human-based VF simulations on MonoAlg3D.