Published August 31, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

SAbyNA D4.1 Identification and selection of existing SbD strategies to reduce or mitigate NF/NEP risks

  • 1. CEA Grenoble


The Safe by Design (SbD) concept refers to identifying the risks and uncertainties concerning human and 
environmental safety at an early phase of the innovation process so as to minimize uncertainty, hazard(s) and/or 
exposure. The aim of H2020 SAbyNA task T4.1 was to identify, map and sort the existing strategies used to reduce or mitigate 
risks associated with the use of NFs/ NEPs and their implementation in different application areas taking into 
account all the life cycle stages. The current deliverable D4.1 compiles the results of T4.1.

Safe-by-Design strategies were identified from publications in scientific journals and projects deliverables. The 
selected resources were mapped and sorted according to a set of criteria in order to point out the gaps that 
could be filled during the project. For this purpose an Excel file was built and used to list exiting resources in 
several groups (reviews, publications, reports and industrial know-how). This database will be further developed 
in WP4. The list of identified resources (Oct. 2020) is added to the section 6 (annexes) of this deliverable.

The literature survey identified 75 document results (2010-2020) with approximately ¾ of these published in the 
last three years. Among those articles, we have separated review, concept articles and position papers (35 
documents) from research articles (54 SbD approaches). A total of 19 SbD approaches reported from projects 
(deliverables) were also gathered. Our analysis protocol using the Excel spreadsheet was applied to the 
selected 46 most relevant research articles and to the 19 approaches reported from projects. We proposed an 
analysis of the identified resources and formulated some advice for the SAbyNA upcoming activities.


D.4.1 Identification and selection of existing sbd strategies.pdf

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SAbyNA – Simple, robust and cost-effective approaches to guide industry in the development of safer nanomaterials and nano-enabled products 862419
European Commission